& then in that moment that you spoke those words I died a little more. My heart broke in two. & all the feelings I hid deep inside came pouring out. Every tear had your name on it. Every sob called out to your soul. Please fix this. But there was no answer. So all that was left was a puddle of tears mixed with blood
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true devotion is having a man that'll stay for 5days in the hospital with you, get no sleep, barely eat, and sleep on a very uncomfortable chair, just to show you he loves and supports you
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hahaha.. its funny.. i went to the doctor today for a check up.. and they give me info on how big she is now.. so they said that shes 16inchs and 4 1/2lbs already.. lol.. this is funny bc tomorrow ill be 29wks.. lmfao.. i cant wait.. 10more weeks... and then ill have my lil booger.. I CANT WAIT!! hehe... they told me that if my blood pressure hadnt
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i love you baby.. i do.. but the next time that you come out your fuckin face to me imma beat the fuckin shit out of you.. i love you but that doesnt make the shit that you say okay.. we gonna see who the fuck you gonna embarrass in home depot next time.. you pulled that shit in public, and in front of your mother... i swear to god.. you do that
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