Mar 31, 2007 22:28
Well I hope thid is lkegubke... I can't see very wekk, si I'm going by feel. And the gadget keyboard is sio small...
I... am really not liking this. Irt's npotr safe at all, and I can't see a damned thing! Just... lkts of cplours...
Okay, I know this thing ios proiablky gibberishj. I gve up/.
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Comments 5
What's wrong?!
Uh... sorry, having trouble reading that...
I can't see properly. Something the hotel did, I think...
You can't see?! Do you want me to find you, Guy?
I can see a little if I squint... and I can see colours. Heh, it's how I knew it was you! All that red...
If it's safe to do it, then sure, I wouldn't mind the company. No need to wander around - I know I'm on floor 4, room 20. ... At least I know that's where I'm supposed to be. I can't really see enough to check!
I mean, you looked smart to me...
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