Strange.. Someone accessed my gmail account at about noon. From Mexico... Looked in my deleted mail folder, no password requests or anything, but I was set up to access a pop3 account at Very strange..
Heh, just sold my old, non-working car on craigslist, and discovered what I can only presume is a new (to me anyhow) phishing scam. Basically they send an email saying they're interested in the car, but need to know what the insurance cost through -insert site- would be, along with whatever excuse why it needs to be that site that they've made up
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Just got an email from LJ, looks like someone tried to change my password.. Request was from which would indicate it was someone using a conection provided by roadrunner, and ISP out of VA. Seems like a weird thing for someone to try and hack.. Not like I have a huge following for my blog or something.