Clement Legacy 1.2.a! Now with MOAR BABIES!!!1

Jun 04, 2011 17:10


When last we left off the Clements, our lovely founder, Andrea, made some undead friends, and a very alive spouse, named Jamel. He knocked her up, then they got married on her lawn.

Now, this is what I call "shacking up".

We can only go up from here, right?

Paparazzi: Yeah! I got a photo of her pregnant ass, while repairing a TV for some extra cash!
Seriously, what part of GO AWAY do you not understand?!

Andrea: Ah, mawwiage...
Reading Princess Bride again, I see.

Andrea: Hellz no, I'm watching it on TV!

Jamel registered as a painter, then hit the canvas. In his undies. Somehow, I'm okay with this.

Jamel: Nice knowing one of my little swimmers found its way into your net, if you know what I mean...
Andrea: Hm.

Andrea: Yeah, Jamel, you're such a stud.
Jamel: Really? :D

Andrea: Uh-huh...

D'awwwww. ♥

Andrea: Quit screaming and go get the car!

(Somehow, in the confusion, I must've forgotten to snap an actual labor shot of Andrea. But you get the idea.)

It's a nugget boy! His name is Aiden.

While Aiden sleeps (because let's face it, infants are boring), Jamel continues working on his ~masterpieces~. I'd say 'don't quit your day job', but, well. That is your day job. *facepalm*

And Andrea goes to celebrity parties to play video games in her formalwear. Because that's what you do when you have a newborn in the house.

Andrea, why are you dreaming of Jamel's swimmers already? Aiden's not even a toddler yet! (Also, Jamel, QUIT TAKING NAPS AND GET SOME ACTUAL SLEEP!)

Andrea really is a wonderful mother, all things considered. Pretty much every spare moment is spent snuggling/tickling/feeding the baby. No need to direct her to it.

Andrea: I'm feeling frisky, how 'bout you?
Jamel: Oh, hell yes.

Feeling a little sick there, fertile Myrtle?

What're you looking at, that's got you so smiley, Andrea?
Andrea: The view.
What view?

Ah, I see. Carry on, then.
Andrea: DAT ASS.

Jamel's blowing his horn. That can only mean one thing...


Toddlerhood: achieved!

Uh, Jamel, honey. It's over. You can stop now.

Official toddler portrait! His favorites are pop music, stir-fry, and sea foam.

Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm not the one who knocked you up again!

Toddler spam!

He's got daddy's eyes, though where that hair came from, your guess is as good as mine. But. CUTIE. ♥

And here we see the Clements engaging in their leisure activity of choice. TEEVEE. ALL. THE. TIME.

As much as she autonomously loves her kids, you'd think Andrea had the Family Oriented trait. Like, she doesn't even mind being on constant maternity leave.

New nugget on the way means house expansion!

...Hey, it's not just a square anymore! Still definitely a shack, though.

Sorry, Andrea, you break it, you fix it. Actually, in this house, it's more like "you break it, Andrea fixes it" because she's the only one with any handiness skill to speak of.

I think Jamel is trying to tell me something, here. You'll have to get a lot better at painting before you can afford a vacation!

Hey, I never said it was the end of the toddler spam!

Too. Damn. Cute.

Skilling is Very Important!

Oh, her face. ♥

Andrea: C'mon, honey, mama has to answer her phone...

Andrea: Seriously, Aiden, hurry the hell up.

Jamel: I am going to conveniently get close to my wife wearing nothing but my underpants!

Jamel: TEEHEE.

Andrea: Jamel, you bastard! GET THE CAR!

Jamel: I get the feeling we forgot something...
Fortunately, a psychic local babysitter showed up just after they left. GOOD PARENTING, THEY HAS IT.

It's a girl this time! Her name is Brienne, and she is just as boring as Aiden was as an infant.

Jamel, you look far too happy to be going senile.

So does your wife, for that matter.


Way to make your wife barf, Jamel.

And I don't think Aiden's ever coming out of that toy box.

But here's Jamel's official "old guy" makeover. Hey, you know what, I've seen worse, okay?!

That's an...interesting piece, Jamel. What're you calling it?

Jamel: I'm calling it "Blood of the Dragon", of course.
Too much Game of Thrones, Jamel.

This is the point at which I began despairing of Andrea ever going back to work long enough to reach leve five of the Business Career, let alone level ten Yup, baby #3 is on its way.

Here is Jamel showing off his little princess. Seriously, these are two of the best Sim-parents I've ever had. I pretty much never have to tell them to take care of the kids.

And we all know what it means when Jamel breaks out the horn!

On to 1.2.b!

generation: 1, legacy: clement, sims 3

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