Clement 1.2.b

Jun 06, 2011 18:09

Read 1.2.a here! | Archive


It is always exciting when they leave the larva stage.

No one can doubt my committment to sparkle motion.

And here is Brienne! Fuck, these kids are cute. At least I know where she got the red hair from. Her favorites are kids music, grilled cheese and Irish green. ♥

Andrea: Soon, your big brother will start school...

Andrea: But before you can join him, you'll have to learn to walk. And potty in the toilet.

Aiden: Hm. Daddy's in the other room, painting... Mommy's busy with Brienne...

Andrea: Someday, we'll have lots of money! Crap, my phone's ringing again...
Brienne: Money!!!


Well, at least you're doing something productive.
Jamel: Not for long! Young and the Simless comes on in ten minutes!

At least he's still attentive to his heavily-pregnant wife. ♥

Jamel, you might wanna put on a shirt before...
Jamel: BIRTHDAY!!! WOO!!!


As you can see, he rolled Lucky. Probably good, considering his other two traits. *facepalms* Also, gotta love that fauxhawk.

Aiden: Sweet jeebus, Brienne sucks at playing that xylophone.
Like you would be any better at it.

Brienne: Car!!!
Like anyone could be annoyed with that face for long. ♥

Aiden: Hey, sis! Peek-a-boo!

Brienne: Peek...peek...

Aiden: BOO!
Brienne: Eee! Again!

Aiden: Wonder what would happen, if I put this block into that space...
Andrea: Tummy. Hurts. Did I eat some bad leftover goopy carbonara?

Andrea: Oh wait! It's TIIIIIIIMMMMMEEE!

She brought home another boy! His name is Marcus.

Aiden: Don't you just love playing outdoors by the light of the moon, Mom?

Andrea: What has this child been doing when I wasn't looking?

Aiden: You're the sunshine of my life, Mom.
There needs to be a new trait. We'll call it, "Suck Up".

Aiden: No cloud could cover the shining face of your beauty.
See what I mean?

He looks terribly excited to be the first Clement to go to school.
Aiden: What if I don't make any friends?
Guess we'll have to wait and see...

Brienne: Yes! I have his toys all to myself for a few hours! Muahahaha!

Aiden brings a friend home from school, and they waste no time starting a discussion of his favorite topic: THE WEATHER!!!

While Jamel just...stands there. Approving.
Jamel: My firstborn has made a friend!
Yeah... good stuff...

Some kid: I just LOVE talking about the weather! *Plusplus*

Aiden: I just got a new little brother, his name is Marcus...

Some kid: Awesome! Little brothers are the best!

Aiden: Dad says he's still too little for me to play with, but...

Some kid: Hey, how'd your mom end up with that old guy, anyway? She's HOT!
Aiden: Er... x_x

Aiden: New baby?
New subject!

Aiden: School sucks, doesn't it?
Some kid: Yeah, totally. (This kid is awesome...)

Then they went outside and played catch for like four hours. Aiden Clement: Making friends and influencing people.

Andrea: Yay, my birthday, in the bathroom, alone and forgotten!!
Sorry about that...

Andrea: Wait, since when do I have lines on my face?
Since you became an adult, sorry, honey.

Jamel was way too busy reading the latest Danielle Steele novel to pay attention to his wife's mid-life crisis.
Jamel: That's nice, honey.

Aiden tries to complete his neglected homework before school starts in the morning.
Aiden: Ughhhh...

Aiden: Homework is hard!

Andrea: That's nice, honey.

Then I installed GENERATIONS!!!11oneone and had a minor glitch wherein Aiden got stuck in an unmoving school bus and thus missed school for a day. Woops...

Andrea: How dare you skip school, young man! We taught you better than that!
Aiden: But it wasn't my fault, Mom! I was glitched!

Fortunately, he cleaned the house a bit and soon got back into their good graces.

Jamel: If you keep up in school, someday you'll get a great job!
Everyone: *plusplus*
Like he would even know. He was a bartender, and now he's a stay-at-home dad painter.

Brienne is following in her brother's footsteps.
(Incidentally, I finally got sick of the in-game camera and installed a couple of camera mods. Excpect much better pics of the kids from now on!)

They hired a maid. She sat around on Aiden's bed all day, didn't clean a damn thing, so Jamel fired her. The new one they got is much better.

Yay! Marcus is exiting the larval stage!

Herp derp.

Another blondie! Geez, where is this blonde hair coming from? *eyes Andrea suspiciously*
His favorites are Latin music, grilled cheese and the color lime.

Phew, that's all for now! Next time, will Aiden get any better at school? Will there be any more babies? Will Andrea ever go to work again? Stay tuned!

generation: 1, legacy: clement, sims 3

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