i don't know why but i havn't been feelin to good lately. i'm healthy but in my head things are fucking up. i just don't feel good. the only things that have been makin me happy are things like, well actually i don't know. i'm just not feelin good. shits happening with me.
My aunt whos been trying to adopt kids for 3 years finally got a kid. actually she got twins. the mom was a druggy and the dad is in jail for a long time. the mom left.
i just saw resedent evil that movie was creepy. like there is no part of that movie where things are calm for more than 3 seconds. and stuff is always jumping out of nowhere
i got a job at McDonalds and i have my Drivers Liscence. I have a stupid goatee that i've been trying to grow. Things are going pretty good for me even but my family doen't have enough money for food so all my money from McDonalds has to go to the family. senior year is coming!