Well, far be it for me to disagree with you, but generally when one fancies oneself a god amongst men, it usually indicates a controlling nature. Believe me, I'm not complaining, but your post brings up any number of disturbing possibilities.
Attempting to understand the society in which you're forced to live in isn't complaining. I'd be happy to point out just how much control the deities have over us without need for law. Perhaps you weren't influenced by the most recent curse that sent many of us back to school?
[Buffy is tooling along in the dark. She's wearing black jeans, high heeled black boots and a white blouse. She's also got a stake and is tossing it up in the air then catching it. The scythe got left home tonight because sometimes she likes to do things old school.]
[While she's quiet, Natasha's still on high alert. In a matter of seconds, she's launching off of the wall of one building up to the fire escape on the other side. Fingers grip metal, boots swing up and over.
[She almost gets away with it too but there's something--not even something Buffy can define--that alerts her. Everything is not copacetic. Buffy stops, tilts her head and just listens a moment. She even closes her eyes trying to judge where or what is up. After a moment the stake gets tucked in the waistband of her pocket and Buffy follows, jumping straight up to the fire escape. Her fingers curl around the metal, pulling herself up and following the path of up and over.]
[She doesn't like to share her quick getaway, and a small device jettisons out from Natasha's cuff toward her intruder, intent on emitting a minor charge of electricity when it finds its target. Natasha continues moving fluidly upward as she readies a second defense.]
I should be flattered, I suppose, or something like that. There may be one or two other people left from times earlier than that, but there aren't many.
Still, I do agree with your observations: it is quite interesting.
I'm sorry to hear that. Under those circumstances...I'm not sure how I'd react.
There is a lot here that I find interesting, but the operation of such a large City with as much routine and uniformity as it has continues to intrigue me.
Comments 51
Out of sight.]
though of course there are exceptions.
Still, I do agree with your observations: it is quite interesting.
There is a lot here that I find interesting, but the operation of such a large City with as much routine and uniformity as it has continues to intrigue me.
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