>.> ok I just realized the other day that it's like 7 days to my birthday. how the hell did it get this close to the 14th without me even realizing it?
good thing is I found out I'm not working at Sea World that day, so I can go down there and spend the entire day as a guest at the park, which will be nice ^.^
ok, well I'm moving my gallery to Flickr, I had used DA for a LONG time now, but I like how flicker lets me do albums, and some of the other features
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so, I need a new OS hard drive really really badly. I have been using an OLD drive for almost a year now, and its a DMA100 and slow as shit, and literally slowing down my entire system
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Ok, well uploaded 2 more photos to my DA account tonight. So now I'm that much closer to catching up with them. The first photo there is of Nakai, who is my orca, I love him soo much <3