Here's a list of all the SGA fic I could find that deals with characters being de-aged (turned into kids or teenagers). If you think these should be organized any differently, I'm open to suggestion.
If there are any I missed feel free to leave a comment with a link.
Rodney McKay
Lost and Found by
bimacky G
Summary: Really, if anyone had asked John what a seven-year-old Rodney McKay would be like, John would have probably choked on his food and thanked the Pegasus deities that they'd never have to know.
Stuck! by
kolyaaa Gen/T
SummaryTeyla is aged and Rodney is de-aged due to a malfunction in an Ancient lab.
Second Childhood by atuinsails PG
Summary: Rodney is forced to experience a brief second
childhood. How will his friends cope with a miniature Rodney who thinks
this is all a dream?
17.5: A Love Story by
helenish R McKay/Sheppard
Summary: Rodney becomes 20, John gets jealous of Ronon, things get pretty angsty before they get sort themselves out.
Nightmares by
out_thereSummary: Rodney's the type of kid that won't sleep from nightmares and won't tell anyone.
And it's sequel:
Find Your Way by
reccea The Other Side of Grace by sardonicsmiley PG-13
Summary: Family pictures hadn’t been a big part of Rodney’s one photo album. If this is what Rodney looks like stripped of years and armor, John understands why he holds so tightly to his defenses.
Your Delicate Seams by
unamaga McKay/Sheppard, NC17.
Author Notes: Apparently Julie and I like to make Rodney McKay come (and come and come), so we figured maybe at nineteen it'd be a little more plausible. It's not our fault, we were brainwashed.
Summary: “Hey, woah,” John says, alarmed. “I’m not into kids.”
Naked Dreams That Go Unsaid by
telesilla NC17 McKay/Sheppard
Summary: Rodney may look 16 years old, but he's still himself and he still knows way too much about John's porn.
has a
Warning at the end of the fic
also has a sequel:
Dirty Conscience In My Head John Sheppard
Wee!John 'verse by
kyizi Back To The Start by
ficbitca_bear PG
Summary: Perhaps things don't always need to be fixed RIGHT NOW
Teacher's Pet by
seperis various ratings, PG to PG-13
Summary: A series of stories dealing with a de-aged Sheppard.
Aliens Made Me Do It...Again by
bakarini PG13, John
Summary: John gets into trouble, which really shouldn’t be that big of surprise any more. Of course, he’ll blame the aliens and, you know, whose going to argue with an eight year old?
Little Man Sheppard by Stealth Dragon
Summary: Kid-fic. Yes, I know, an ever-so-overdone plot device in many an opinion. I've come across many of them, but very few where it was only John who was turned into a child, and I wanted such a story, so wrote it.
Not So Imaginary series by R. Tom Mato
Author Notes: I read a drabble about a John Sheppard that preferred to play by himself when he was younger, not caring that all the other kids thought he was a total freak. Then I skimmed the comments, because seeing what others have to say is interesting, and someone mentioned likening John to Calvin and having Rodney as "Hobbes." This is not exactly like that, or even close, though the image of Rodney hanging upside down from a tree for going after a tuna fish sandwhich is probably the best thing I've seen all day. This was supposed to be just a summary for the fic I was really writing, but it ran away and grew into a fic all its own.
Additional Not So Imaginary stories:
Hello, Love You, Goodbye by
mausiLove A Sky So Blue by
mausi Teyla
With Shifting Change,
All Hues, and
Hand Painted by
ladycat777 R to NC17 McKay/Sheppard
Girl!Rodney and kid!Teyla
More than one person
Never Spoken by
bakarini R, Ronon/John
Summary: He thinks part of the reason why Ronon was so angry was because it was the first time he’d been forced to see John go off world without claiming him first, without leaving the groves of his teeth bruised and beaten deep into John’s skin.
Alien Un-ageing Rays Suck by
lalejandra R McKay/Sheppard
Summary: Everyone in Atlantis are all turned into teenagers.
Euclid's Lemma by
of_evangeline PG13 McKay/Sheppard
Summary: "Most people would stop and think, hey, this looks kind of ominous, maybe I should leave it alone." - teenaged Rodney, Laura, and Miko.
Kids by
soraya2004 PG13 McKay/Sheppard
Summary: Elizabeth didn't sign up for this.
Guardian 'Verse by R. Tom Mato, PG
Summary: Teyla, Rodney, and John are all turned into children, leaving Ronon to care for them.
Author Note: Just something I wondered about with all the kid!fics I've seen. Usually the patterns in who gets kidified(?) and who's left watching over them.
Familial by
kellifer_fic PG, McKay/Sheppard
Summary: "Genetically, they are Ronon and Teyla,” Carson confirmed. “Biologically, mentally and developmentally, both Teyla and Ronon appear to be about five years old."
Eighteenish by
seperis R, McKay/Sheppard
Summary: They woke up brand new.
Crusade in Jeans by Mystic, Sheppard/McKay/O'neill, NC17
SummaryJack knew that stepping through the gate changed his life, but he didn't think one more time would make that much a difference; he was wrong. Now, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard and Rodney McKay are intertwined in an adventure of a lifetime, starting with how the hell to get back to being a grownup. [Rating for later chapters when characters are of legal age.]
New Lease on Life by
wingwyrm McKay/Sheppard, Mature
Summary: 2010(or there abouts), John and Rodney have been cloned. They're ordered back to Earth and Jeannie is asked to take them in.
The Amazing Adventures of Me, Myself & I or: Five Times John and Rodney Accidentally Cloned Themselves by
trinityofone McKay/Sheppard, NC17
Summary: Um. See subtitle?
The Clubhouse 'verse:
What Happens in the Clubhouse by
skoosiepants PG13. McKay/Sheppard
Summary: “Right, yes, because traveling through the eleven miles of forest between here and the ‘gate will be a piece of cake when we’re roughly the size of dwarves, with all the strength of a bundle of sticks!”
Those Days by
skoosiepantsSummary: Naptimes, John decided, were very, very cool.
The Knights of the Pegasus Galaxy vs. the Chickin Pox by
devildoll PG13 McKay/Sheppard-ish
Summary: After the worst was over, having space chicken pox was kind of awesome.