so i drove down island to do laundry and pick up sum more gear n stuff.... not a whole lot to update on- i like my new job. *woot* telephone monkeys! and i love my new place *its uber cool* love my new "interest" haha neways g2g not enough time to give a huge update.
well that didn't take as long as i thought it would :) *whew* wutta relief! :D omg feel so good! YAY! just as soon as this day is gone, i'll b outta here first thing 2morrow morning! once i'm up and dressed i'll b outta this fuckin town! :D
omg so fuckin pissed. home alone. no boy cuz ihe's in nanaimo and i'm fuckin horny. DAMN THIS BEING FAITHFUL SHIT! i luv him so it worth it, but fuck, 4 more sleeps DAMMIT!