Hello,. so ive been away for a bloody long time.... you know why cozthis place is boooooooring And what i put here is also boring, so this is to say hooraaar for boring like my page... Oh im ill, *cough cough*
Sooooo, I feeel stupid writing this anymore! Non of y mates are on it, and the people who were have bloked everything soooooooooo its time fuggy left the buiding! Nothing much went on, i wrote my thourghts or feelings and then i logged of....
GUess if i feel i need it again, il pop back, but not so sure!
In the head. YOu heard of beater blockers?! well they help slow the heart down ! ! ! What joyess news! i think i could dance about with joy, *but best take a pil befor i go whild*
right im going to brum to get my hair done! Lets hope i dont return looking like a clown