This used to be an open beta, due to time restraints and the fact that betaing 20+ apps a month got tiring really fast, it isn't any longer. However I will still almost always agree to beta for you if you drop my a line requesting it first. My AIM is Chew AVIYgreen and I'm usually on it. My e-mail is aviychan at cableone dot net and I check that constantly. If I tell you I'll beta you PLEASE post the app here, unless you have the app posted somewhere else and want to leave me a link to it. DO NOT MAIL ME YOUR APPS I WILL lose it.
You can post your app anonymously if you like, I don't care, just make sure you leave me an e-mail.
If you leave an e-mail at the end of your app I will e-mail you your reply. Do this if you don't have comment notifications turned on. If you don't leave an e-mail I'll just leave you your reply in comments, but it will be screened and you won't be able to see to it or reply.
I do beta multiple times and I do beta re-apps, you don't have to ask. If you get approval once take it as a blanket for however long it takes you to get that character in, unless I say otherwise.
These are some references for making apps. The "CFUD Apping Guide" was written by me, it's somewhat outdated now but the basic stuff listed there still stands. Especially the "pet peeves" and "don't do this because we're sick of reading it" sections. It saves you the time of writing it and me the time of telling you not to do it.
References for composing an app:
CFUD's User info - If it doesn't fit the submission guidelines you won't make it past weeding.
For Future Appers... - A truly awesome compliation of app relevant stuff by former!Hinata-mun^2. Most noted because it links to all the old application batches (before we moved to
campfuckuvote) and reading those is a great way to get an idea on the application process.
CFUD Apping Guide - A detailed application guide.
And Riddle-mun can always give you a second opinion.
General disclaimer:
I consider myself a reasonably nice person but the point of having someone beta something is to get concrit. Thus my opinions will be honest. Still, I'm not going to yell at you about how awful anything is, just suggest ways to make it better.
Whether or not I know your canon will effect how I view the app. In the concrit I will say if I'm familiar with the canon/character and I strongly suggest to find a second beta to cover the other half of the field, as it were. Especially if I do know your canon. An app reading well to people unfamiliar with your canon is really important.
When you send these in doesn't matter. I don't care if an app date hasn't been announced. But I'm not as punctual as I used to be, so please be patient with me, and please feel free to poke me once in a while if I'm slow in responding, sometimes I forget.
And~ That's it. The point of this is to be helpful. Don't worry about if I know you or if you're a new apper or anything. I'll do my best to offer constructive criticism.