Title: Reality in Fiction
aislinoriel Rating: R (strong language)
Summary: Jaejoong-centric. The progression of the end of a friendship. Yunjae/Jaeho.
Genre: Angst/Romance
Characters: Jaejoong/Yunho
Author Notes: (Un-spellchecked, please correct any mistakes.) Be gentle. This is actually my story. I tried but I didn't get the happy ending. ;_;
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Comments 29
This was so sad, but I love how realistic it was. Reality isn't all happy endings and such, and although it'd be great if it was, it's not. I'm glad you portrayed that well in your story, even though now I'm heartbroken and feeling angsty @_@ But really, I love this story! I enjoyed reading it a lot.
Honestly, I set out to give them a happy ending, but it just took on it's own life, and that is...pretty much that! I promise to write some fluff soon and erase all the angsty feelings though! Thanks for reading~ &hearts
Don't worry, it's his lost, not yours. I believe your real other half is still around and it's a matter of time before both of you meet.
This was heartbreaking but beautifully written. :)
I know that sometimes things are just broken beyond repair. *nods sagely* I've pretty much come to terms with the reality and I'm a trooper! *cancels pity-party*
Ah...ahem, lol, my situation was kind of the literal opposite of Yunjae...my Yunho was more of a Yoona...well, not sure if anyone picked up on that. I know they weren't the one for me but it makes it hurt no less to lose someone who is more than a friend and more than a...sister, and a lot in part from my own doing. Oh well, it's irrelevant!
I will now cleverly divert the attention back to the story! >_>
It had been brewing in me for a while now and I'd never had the proper muses for outlet and then...Yunjae occurred to me. It's 50% them and 50% my way of venting. I'm sure if it were even 60% them, Jae would have said something right and it would have been far less angsty. XD But I had to go and put my experience into it, which is why it's real, in a sense. God, I can really go on! :x
Thank you for reading and your lovely comment~ &hearts
I love your writing style and hope to read more Yunjae fic from you cause really, they are a beautiful pair to write about. Too bad I can't write for nuts or I would have venture into fic writing since I begin to step into this fandom like 1 1/2 years ago.
for all god's sake... i really did think jae deserved it here :/
its angsty for sure... D:
'msorry. :(
Ugh, this hurt and confusion is so real. D: T_T
just being so sickeningly angsty and classic he couldn't even stand it
^This is such a true line that I've used even for myself. D:
Thank you for reading, and try not to be sickeningly angsty and classic, leave that to emo!Jae. &hearts
Ah, mianhae~ I've seen it spelled so many ways, but that does seem phonetically correct, kamsamnida. ^^
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