First day back....
More exciting than I thought it would be.
Some niner (as we can only assume it would be) decided to be RETARDED and pull the fire alarm on us. What I'm sure they didn't realize was that we have cameras posted on every corner of our school. Not like I didn't enjoy being out of my first Intro to Accounting class.. but still. It was
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Comments 8
Do you have accounting with Leona? She described a piss-ass teacher as well. Hot Mike is in that class. Mmmmmm.
Tyler Dealy(sp?) pulled the fire alarm. I don't know who sprayed the extinguisher though.
And only nine of those cameras are actually turned on and recording.
You know what my english told me within the first 5 minutes of class? Grade 10 english is nothing compared to this course, that was EASY. Now it's about to get tough. Besides, the books we have to read are positivily horrible. Lord of the Flies? I mean come on. Macbeth? I despise Shakespear. And that list for the culminating book....oh my. Aweful. But i'm doing Dangerous Liasions (Cruel Intentions). You should do that same...if your teacher is doing the same course as us.
I think Kim will be the one to tourment us...and remember...Josh is officially named Kyle.
Yes I do have accounting with Leona
Tyler Dealy? I know how he'd be suspected, but how would you know?
With his luck he probably will get caught by one of those 9
English is gonna be fun. Don't sweat it.
Kim won't torment me. Just you. Heh.. yaya.. Kyle.
I actually called Brent "Stamos" today (from gr.10 eng.) and he remembered!!! LOL! Twas hilarious.
Someone told me it was him...when we were outside at the alarm. I don't remember who though.
English is never fun.
And I love Scott Stamos. =)
English - 60%
Photography - 82% (hellO award!)
Accounting - 64% (sad.)
Anthropology/Soc/Psych. - 74 (because I slacked towards the end)
That fire alarm was hilarious.. and I only just remembered it now.
Accounting was a horrible class ONLY becauase I didn't do the homework.. but I got a better mark in accounting than english which sucked. Mr. D is awesome! haha What a funny guy.
After being in two classes with 'hot mike', I came to realize (after much debate) that he is pretty decent looking hah
And Jones is currently no longer in my locker.
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