Glad the med is helping a bit. Sometimes the drug companies will provide free or low cost drugs to a person without insurance, its something you could look into. It is really tough to find work right now, I hope the Verizon job works out for you, it would be great for you to have some kind of medical benefits. Hope everything is okay for you, how is the family? Hugs for you:)
The downside is that the medicine made me gain all of my weight back, plus some.
I have my last verizon wireless interview tomorrow. So I hope I get the job. It would be so awesome.
The family is doing good. My brother and his wife are going to have another baby. I'm enjoying being an aunt! My niece, who is just learning to talk, calls me "Leela" lol
Comments 2
I have my last verizon wireless interview tomorrow. So I hope I get the job. It would be so awesome.
The family is doing good. My brother and his wife are going to have another baby. I'm enjoying being an aunt! My niece, who is just learning to talk, calls me "Leela" lol
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