I've read "we need to talk about kevin" very good book, I read it on holiday and it's not my usual sort of thing at all!
*hugs* for being a "depression case" not sure that self diagnosis ever works though. Although if you do feel that you do have depression then I recomend a good therapist and to talk about things before you get in too deeply that you can't get out again.
I absolutely love 'We Need to Talk About Kevin'... It's just so beautifully written, and so engaging... ♥!! XD
::hugs back:: ♥ I know, I'm very wary about words like 'depression' really... After all, where do you draw the line between someone who's depressed and someone who's sad? And I generally hate therapists simply because I hate being told how I feel or why I feel like that. Up myself though it sounds, I don't think anyone can understand my brain except me. Same goes for everyone else, really. But I'm talking to the chaplain at the moment - not in any sort of religious way - and that's helping, I guess ::shrugs:: Hmm. Oh well... I'm probably pick up soon.
There's a big line between depressed and sadness unfortunatly it seems not even doctors know where it is anymore, so many people can walk in and get on prozac simply because they've had a bad day.
I used to hate therapists too but mine is amazing and he would never dream of telling me how I feel or why. I just find it helps to talk to him and for him to help me work through issues etc.
Gah, Light having a girlfriend was awesome! D: It made him that much more evil in the end, I wish they'd used it in the manga, because it was geniusliekwoah.
Near sucks. Mello is WIN. :D;; I think Misa is pretty cool too.
Light having a girlfriend sucked... Until he killed her XDDDDD Then it made it TOTALLY worth while >3 Hehe.
Near just reminds me of L, so I can't help but kinda like him :3 Not that he's actually said/done anything yet though... And I agree, Mello ftw! XD But he's really quite scary (0_____0) Eheh...
How can you like Misa? (o____0);; Apart from when Light shows no interest in her. Which is always funny ^^
PS - lurve @ your icon XDXD Yay for L and his snack-eating weirdness
Aaah...depression. I've been like that lately too, I took that test you posted too and got 54...not good. ><;;
ANYWAY! I need to watch more of the Death Note movie. @_@! And I need to read more manga...*so slow.* -_-
But ooooooh~ I actually never got to see all of Deam Live 1st because the files I had were evil, only parts, and not well (it was always slow and behind)... So if you could share that with me, that'd be awesome~ *_*
Aww ::hugs:: I have a theory that every intelligent person is depressed. Simply because they know the world sucks.
Death Note Movie~! I was kinda disappointed Well... the manga is so much better, in my opinion. EXCEPT for Volume 7 ::glares at it:: Geh.
And because you need to watch DL1 for your own fangirl experience (because there's listen-to-my-sexy-voice-Konishi and masses of Golden Pair sex references cute slash):
(join with Winsplit or rename to .001 etc and join with HJSplit ^^ )
If you want any other Myus I have all Tenimyu, both Huntermyu, (the last?) Seramyu and Bleachmyu... And all the backstages for Tenimyu etc (though not all the interviews o(T^T)o )
::Glomp:: I miss you so much I must admit, its just not the same not having you around to talk about anime with >.<
On that note I got Eerie Queerie volumes 1&2. Love it! It got me through some dark patches where I had to escort my friend to the family planning clinic cos her boyfriend was coming over for the weekend ::shudders:: I am working on getting the next volumes.
Ohhh excitment my birthday present from same said friend is coming soon... it is a legal card thing that allows me to download ten episoded of anything off japanese tv... sounds confusing I know but I will figer it out when it arrives... I am so happy bout that ^.^
Love you, xxx
P.S I think emma is coming home next weekend to look after the house whilst her mum's away!
I miss you too ::hugs:: I've managed to addict Zoe to Death Note, and I can talk Bleach, Death Note and Ouran with the Chinese girls, but it's not the same... o(T^T)o
Eerie Queerie Ghost! is totally crazy gay luff XDDD Volume 3 is the best. Just 'cos it has a really cute side-couple ♥
Apparently CLAMP are due to resume publication of Legal Drug, btw. I forget where I read this though... It could have been a dream XDDD
You do realise... that any sort of downloading, card or not, is never technically legal... It kinda occupies a legal gray area... Still, I've found a bunch more download-for-free sites which are coming in very useful, if you want the addresses, just shout XD Still, sounds pretty good~!
Comments 9
*hugs* for being a "depression case" not sure that self diagnosis ever works though. Although if you do feel that you do have depression then I recomend a good therapist and to talk about things before you get in too deeply that you can't get out again.
::hugs back:: ♥ I know, I'm very wary about words like 'depression' really... After all, where do you draw the line between someone who's depressed and someone who's sad? And I generally hate therapists simply because I hate being told how I feel or why I feel like that. Up myself though it sounds, I don't think anyone can understand my brain except me. Same goes for everyone else, really. But I'm talking to the chaplain at the moment - not in any sort of religious way - and that's helping, I guess ::shrugs:: Hmm. Oh well... I'm probably pick up soon.
I used to hate therapists too but mine is amazing and he would never dream of telling me how I feel or why. I just find it helps to talk to him and for him to help me work through issues etc.
So yeh talking!!
Near sucks. Mello is WIN. :D;; I think Misa is pretty cool too.
Near just reminds me of L, so I can't help but kinda like him :3 Not that he's actually said/done anything yet though... And I agree, Mello ftw! XD But he's really quite scary (0_____0) Eheh...
How can you like Misa? (o____0);; Apart from when Light shows no interest in her. Which is always funny ^^
PS - lurve @ your icon XDXD Yay for L and his snack-eating weirdness
ANYWAY! I need to watch more of the Death Note movie. @_@! And I need to read more manga...*so slow.* -_-
But ooooooh~ I actually never got to see all of Deam Live 1st because the files I had were evil, only parts, and not well (it was always slow and behind)... So if you could share that with me, that'd be awesome~ *_*
Death Note Movie~! I was kinda disappointed Well... the manga is so much better, in my opinion. EXCEPT for Volume 7 ::glares at it:: Geh.
And because you need to watch DL1 for your own fangirl experience (because there's listen-to-my-sexy-voice-Konishi and masses of Golden Pair sex references cute slash):
Part 1: | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Part 2: | 1 | 2 | 3 |
(join with Winsplit or rename to .001 etc and join with HJSplit ^^ )
If you want any other Myus I have all Tenimyu, both Huntermyu, (the last?) Seramyu and Bleachmyu... And all the backstages for Tenimyu etc (though not all the interviews o(T^T)o )
I hope they all work~! ::chu:: ♥
::Glomp:: I miss you so much I must admit, its just not the same not having you around to talk about anime with >.<
On that note I got Eerie Queerie volumes 1&2. Love it! It got me through some dark patches where I had to escort my friend to the family planning clinic cos her boyfriend was coming over for the weekend ::shudders:: I am working on getting the next volumes.
Ohhh excitment my birthday present from same said friend is coming soon... it is a legal card thing that allows me to download ten episoded of anything off japanese tv... sounds confusing I know but I will figer it out when it arrives... I am so happy bout that ^.^
Love you, xxx
P.S I think emma is coming home next weekend to look after the house whilst her mum's away!
Eerie Queerie Ghost! is totally crazy gay luff XDDD Volume 3 is the best. Just 'cos it has a really cute side-couple ♥
Apparently CLAMP are due to resume publication of Legal Drug, btw. I forget where I read this though... It could have been a dream XDDD
You do realise... that any sort of downloading, card or not, is never technically legal... It kinda occupies a legal gray area... Still, I've found a bunch more download-for-free sites which are coming in very useful, if you want the addresses, just shout XD Still, sounds pretty good~!
KRK Episode 34 is up on ID-TV, btw ^^
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