I love when bands try and come back with differnt signers, I mean only band that pulled that off was drowning pool, they have always sucked but I mean their better now with their new cd "suck me cock baby" and dillinger are some cheese balls too, all of you need to listen to their new songs, its such a mr show episode.
When did everyone start caring about the president? Was it the newest movie? Was it Oteps cheesy ass signer giving you direct orders to vote john kerry in office? Have you people even see kerrys work in hell boy? Well nice independace you got there fuckin robot, vote gaben in office ; me and usarmy will rock thee world.
So Ozzfest is comin around(2 days) I cant wait to see most of the bands that will be there (Darkest Hour, Black Label Society, Superjoint Ritual and of corse some Black Sabbath) I'll even give props to Dimmu they are goin to fuckin rock!
gaben420's LJ stalker is elyse987654321!elyse987654321 is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also getting with your significant other!