so i did have things to say yesterday. but now i dont remember them. man i stink. but i did get caribou yesterday and that was neat. and im a dork and left the size sticker on my shirt. um... thats all for now.
today has been way to stressful. not bad stressful. just i had to rush and get the essays done for the jterm tanzania trips. we'll see which one i get in. or if in both which one i pick... hmm
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the bestest thing happened tonight. my raquel called!! and i was SOOOOOO SOO happy. i just cant even express how good it was to hear her voice. but when i hung up i just wanted to cry... and cry.... and cry... bah. i miss her soo incredibly much.
and now im finishing my project but i dont care that i wont get any sleep. its worth it.