Oct 11, 2008 23:56
Hate. Watching. Numbers all day.
Espically when they don't change. Much.
Oct 05, 2008 17:54
Come on, Big Numbers. Roll up for Mama so she can do something besides play Minesweeper and file her nails.
Sep 21, 2008 00:08
Hey, does anyone know anything to do while watching Checksums and Do Whiles and Do Ifs and other fun codes execute?
Sep 16, 2008 17:47
Watching the computer check for checksums is boring.
Sep 03, 2008 21:39
You know, it's good to know when you can do your job every day in minimal amounts of clothing or in pajamas.
Aug 17, 2008 03:48
::A wormhole or Boom Tube like structure appears in an empty Domino Hotel room.
Jaian, followed by Maou and Mushi appear in it, finally followed by a strange cloaked but small figure carrying suitcases in what it appears to be its hands. Jaian flips on a light switch.::
Ugh. x_x Why did we have to do this again?
Aug 16, 2008 23:15
So... I'm trying to toy with a primitive robotic arm, as a pet project. I've evaluated my supplies, and I can either use Clockwork components, or use motors and pulleys. Go squat for electronics, computer chips, CPUs, etc, nor place to put them.
Which do you guys think is better?
Aug 05, 2008 07:16
I dueled this weird androgynous Jesus sort of person.
Dropped a Reshef on me early on. And then tried to summon a The Creator in so far as I can tell.
Gave me its card.
Who's Takuo Jaian.