End of one year, start of another

Jan 04, 2018 11:54

Can it truly be that time of year again?? I started doing this Mission101 thing waaay back in 2009. One mission of 101 tasks to be completed in one year. And so far, a great big success for me. And hopefully for mine as well.

Without further ado, for your viewing pleasure, follow the link to the completed task list which can be found here
Mission101_No. 8
Start: January 1, 2017_End December 31, 2017
No. of tasks TOTAL_101
Completed TOTAL_89
Not Completed TOTAL_12

   This one I've set-up quite differently than the other 9 as I have divided it into sections. Let's see how this works!
It didn't and I have gone back o things as usual_Edit July 2018
Mission101_No. 9
Start: January 1, 2018_End December 31, 2018
January Completed_10   February Completed_3 March Completed_ 1    April Completed_1
May Completed_0    June Completed_17    July Completed_ 12   August Completed_
September Completed_     October Completed_     November Completed_     December Completed_

Project_BOOKCLUB_1 & 2_Read all
Project_36 BOOKS_3 through 8_3 per month_1/ 12

Project_100 MOVIES_9

Project_PAINT_10_Hallway bathroom

11_Read each, FOOD; INWARD; OUTWARD Documents each Monday
12_Follow FOOD Routine
13 _Follow Things to Do Routine_4/ 12_UPDATED April
14_Reduce processed foods by making our own one per month_4/ 12_UPDATED April
15 through 19_Redo COOKBOOK
20_Divide week by day into 'types

21_Follow SUNDAY & APPEARANCE & CLOTHING Maintenance Routines_4/ 12_UPDATED April

22 to 23_OPEN

24 to 25_Study 1920s to 50s clothing to emulate

26 to 27_Update CLOTHING Book

28_Follow SPEECH & LANGUAGE & THINKING Routines_0/ 12

Project_BACKYARD_29 through 31
Project_ Four Corners of PARKING Strips_32 to 38
Project_DRIVEWAY Strip_39 through 40
Project_Pack-Up Office_41 through 45


Project_Sort QAF material_47

Project_Organize metal file & scrapbooking folder_48

Project_Check about plates_49 to 50

Project_Organize & pack closet_51 through 53

Project_Slides_54 through 56

57_Complete Art Journal

58_Redefine how to take drawings to next-level

59 to 60_WATCH 15 Art-related Documentaries

61 to 62_READ 5 Art-related Books

63_ALDEN_05_Happiness in its Entirity
64_ALDEN_06_Somewhere Near the Back of the Closet
65_Jaxon & Matthew_2014_Some Enchanted Evening
66_Jaxon & Jamie_2018_Caught in the Light of His Eyes
67_ALDEN_03_Ethan Is...& Golden Watchman_series
68_ALDEN_07_Everyone Who Mattered to Them Was There
69_ALDEN_01_2018_Braedon Matthews
70_Across the Room_Experimental
71_ALDEN_04_One Long and Delicate Golden-Brown Curl
72_Jonny & Evan__Even Those Rules Given Down by the Gods
73_QAF_Their Gift of Always +Do Unto Others_Christmas

74 to 75_Follow FAMILY & FRIEND Routine

76_TRADITIONS List_Read & Follow Monthly_0/ 12

Project_Aaron's JOURNAL

77_Edit  for 2017

78_Print and put in binder

Project_SOCIAL MEDIA_79 to 80_ORGANIZE yahoo; facebook; twitter; Livejournal; Dreamwidth


81 to 82_Complete fifteen ACTIVITIES0_0/ 15

83_Complete five ENGAGEMENTS_0/5

84_Baha'i CENTER Friday Evening Fireside Chats_0/ 12

Project_COURT Yard Renovation_85 through 87

Project_FRONT Yard_88 to 89


90_LUMOSITY @ 5 times/ week_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED

91_Write in Aaron's JOURNAL_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED

92_HOUSE Schedule_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED

93_YARD Schedule_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED

94_MENU_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED

95_Paper TASKS List_0/ 52_Ongoing_UPDATED


96_Month End_HOUSE_0/ 12_Ongoing_UPDATED


97_POST UPDATE_0/ 12_Ongoing_UPDATED

98_POST 2 ARTICLES__0/ 12_Ongoing_UPDATED

POST 2 YOUTUBE vids_0/ 12_Ongoing_UPDATED

POST 4  NASA photos/ vids/ articles__0/ 12_Ongoing_UPDATED




100_FREERice_0/ 100,000_Ongoing_UPDATED

101_Compile Mission101 Task List for 2019;

And so on and so on



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