The weird part was that she got offended when I used the terms "liberal" and "conservative". Last I knew, those were technical terms for different parts of the political spectrum in any given nation. She seemed to think that only "Republicans" use the word "liberal" because it's a "slur".
I think that to some people the lingo has changed because for about the last ten-twenty years liberal has become a popular slur when used by assholes... not conservatives. I have NO problem with conservatives; often I disagree with their social or economic standpoints, and vice versa, but saying that someone is bad and stupid because they hold conservative beliefs is just retarded. By the same token it cannot be assumed that liberal beliefs indicate depravity of thought or a lack of intelligence
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I haven't posted anything in ages either. I haven't even signed on to read other peoples in weeks. As usual, I enjoyed your blog. The only other thing I have to say in response right now is that I've thought about you a couple times recently while listening to Johnny Cash. He's one of my favorite artists on my work's ipod. "Hurt" is my favorite song. Man. Beautiful. Oh I have one more thing to say, speaking of music-- I'm going to be in Seattle for Bumbershoot, are you??
Comments 6
Well, I like and respect you! Hopefully that counts for something even though I am a dirty Democrat. :D
Is that really true?
Because I'll stop using those terms if it is.
I'm a Constitutional Monarchist.
But that's another story.
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