Game: Changeling: The Dreaming: Dance of the Seasons
GM: Aaron (
- Matt (ra1330)/Jerim Mirtin: A young warrior from the Blasted Lands, dangerous fiefdom of Queen Fallout.
- Peter (zero_the_fool)/Martus "the Wise": An older itinerant hermit originally from Roshatar.
- Sarah (kalliplokime)/Wendy: A wandering librarian, originally from Roshatar.
22nd day of the Month of the Eagle
As they had relatively little time remaining before curfew that day, they set off to find an inn. Wendy rented them some rooms, and the three of them lugged the tubs containing their weapons and Martus. After Martus returned to himself, they decided to head down to the main room of the inn, to get some food and rest. Downstairs, they noticed some Valmantavans, and Wendy led the group to sit with them to exchange news. Jerim, Martus, and Glenys were all mostly quiet while Wendy talked with the Valmantavans; of interest, they learned that, while he was not dead, the Archon had fallen ill recently. Most of the rest of the chat that evening was uneventful; the Valmantavans and Glenys discussed woodworking, and then Wendy and the Valmantavans gambled a bit.
23rd day of the Month of the Eagle
That evening, strange dreams visited all the fae. When they awoke, Martus had some desire to visit the Temple of Deskruss, and they agreed to head off to it. Wendy wanted to visit Marti, a friend, afterwards as well. They set off for the temple, taking time to dress Martus as a hunchback again and for the others to don their headgear. They arrived, but Martus indicated this didn't seem like the right place -- he needed to actually talk to Deskruss, not just visit one of his temples. He wasn't sure where, exactly, he needed to go, but it was suggested he could use Jerim's Opa to find the tree he'd seen in his dreams. Jerim confirmed that, yes, his Opa did work, but not without attracting the attention of a few children who were nearby. One of them came up to the group, asking how Jerim had made his Opa glow. He feigned ignorance, explaining it as just a trick of the light. The boy then asked for some money, which Wendy gave him and then they sent him on his way. Jerim passed the Opa to Martus, as they began walking away from the temple. Martus activated it, and they began to track towards the tree -- in the direction of the Citadel of the Archon as well.
They didn't get too close to the citadel before they noticed a group of soldiers approaching them. Realizing they had to think quickly, Jerim suggested Wendy explain she was showing her friends from out of town some of the sights of the city. The guards seemed to buy this story, but explained that no one was allowed within 100 feet of the citadel, and that, as well, Martus' clothing was technically against the regulations, as well. They apologized for the infraction and promised not to repeat the behavior, and were let off with a warning.
By now they were fairly certain that all they needed was inside the citadel, but no more sure how to get inside. Wendy wanted to go see her friend, and, rather than tag along as 3rd (and 4th, and 5th) wheel, Martus, Jerim and Glenys decided to split up. Jerim and Glenys decided to go harass the guards, and see how much trouble they could get in without actually getting arrested; Martus decided to see if he could find what had become of his old home. When he got there, he was somewhat startled to see the door opened by a Nocker, who quickly rushed him inside. He was berated for his attire, the Nocker explaining it was hardly a suitable disguise in the city. The Nocker seemed unhappy with fae from outside the city at all, indicated they tended to just lead to more trouble for those fae already inside the city. Martus was charged with collecting his friends so the Nocker could explain to them about the city and the fae within. Thus, he set off to find the others.
Wendy, meanwhile, arrived at the shop of her old friend Marti Adaskid. Marti was surprised to see her old friend, and yet, during their conversation, kept looking at Wendy's ears (or, what she could see of them). Eventually, Wendy confessed her fae nature, but Marti seemed strangely unsurprised by this. After Marti had forced Wendy to swear she wasn't a servant of any of the Dread Kings, Wendy realized her old friend was actually a Nocker Kinain. Marti and Wendy caught up a bit more (Marti, in Wendy's absence, had apparently married the Archon's cousin, James), but then Marti indicated to Wendy she should go get her friends, because Martus and Jerim shouldn't be walking around town with the limited degree of disguise they all had. Wendy and Martus quickly met back up, but, unfortunately, the group had failed to set up any sort of rendezvous, and thus they had no way to find Jerim.
As they discussed how to find Jerim and Glenys, the pair was arriving at one of the bath houses in town. Having taken their fill of sight-seeing and guard-taunting, they decided to go relax for a bit. Once inside, however, Jerim noticed a peculiar glamour trace -- somewhat akin to the tree in the trod they had encountered earlier. As the trace was coming from the women's side of the bath, however, there was little he could do then. When Glenys and he met again outside, he asked if she had noticed anything odd. She described a woman she had seen, just barely, who Jerim identified as either some sort of fire spirit, or some sort of Adhene who could grow multiple arms. As they talked, the woman came out of the baths, and Jerim and Glenys went up to her. He explained their arrival in the town and the group's mission, and, like the other fae before, this woman, a fire spirit named Jr'Deng Firemaster, explained that, while the no-disguise they had might be OK for Jerim, it probably wasn't for his Sidhe or Pooka friend. Together, they went to the inn, where Wendy and Martus were checking for Jerim, and the five of them met up and headed off to Marti's mother's house, where other fae were gathering to meet them.
Inside, they found a number of fae; mostly Nockers, but also some Boggans, a few Trolls, and a Sluagh. After Wendy and Martus were provided with amulets which caused their fae miens to match their mortal ones, Wendy recounted the group’s tale, and explained how the group needed to get in to the Citadel of the Archon to find the glowing box. She also explained she was looking for a book there, as well, and asked if Jerim could find it for her; misunderstanding, he attempted to Will-o'-Wisp their souls in the laptop, but found himself unable to. After the misunderstanding was rectified, he lent his Opa to one of the Nockers, who had similar luck finding the book. It was then explained to the trio that the Citadel was warded against all fae magic, which meant that no cantrip could affect an object inside (though cantrips affecting objects brought inside would run their full duration). This did mean that the book was probably inside the citadel, but they'd have no idea where. Martus also indicate he believed the Deskruss tree he was supposed to find was also probably inside the Citadel of the Archon.
They discussed a number of plans to get inside, but none of them seemed completely solid. Their most likely scenario was to be shrunk and camouflaged via use of the Metamorphosis art, and snuck inside when one of the trolls, a Lieutenant Eirne Desraskid, went inside the Citadel on official business, but that still left the problem of getting the laptop and book out of the Citadel. Wendy, thanks to a vision, became convinced that the Archon was merely faking his illness, and they theorized that, perhaps, they could get him to adjust his timetable and reveal his ruse (designed to trap the War Marshal in an abuse of power) so they could sneak inside the Citadel during his "funeral", but this seemed unlikely to succeed -- Ada Waterbringer, Marti's mother, did offer to try to them an audience with the "ill" Archon, as unlikely as that was. Jerim tried to commune with Ogoun for advice but with no success, and, eventually, the group split with no success.
24th day of the Month of the Eagle
The next day, Wendy caught up with her friend Marti some more, while Martus also met with a friend he had rediscovered the previous night -- Verhva Janthiskid, who had known Martus in his youth and was now a Boggan tanner. Jerim and Glenys decided to spend their day once again mocking the guards; however, this time, they took the taunts too far and were arrested. Thanks to the intervention of Lieutenant Desraskid, both were released for another meeting of planning that evening, though it amounted to little more as Ada had no news and the others had no new plans.