I came to an interesting decision tonight. Sometime within the near future, I, jaron mortimer, will be enlisting in the United States Naval forces. I understand all of the repricussions that will occur, but I believe that, in the end, this will be a highly benificial move on my part
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Just don't forget to write. =P
If you do go with this, at least do what so many people don't do and consider who is commander in chief for the next four years. You don't want George W Bush in charge of your life, do you?
I do appreciate the concern, as I said. it's...really nice to know that I have friends that care about my so much. It's not a done deal, yet, so I still have time to think, but for the multitude of times I've thought about it, and come back to it, and come back AGAIN to it...something tells me this is the way to go.
Of course, I may be too fat to join...I just checked the requirements, and the maximum weight for a 72" male is around 207 Lbs. I weigh close to 240.
Now, Navy might be perfect for you, but there are timing issues, education issues, and such. You can enter as an officer if you wait to finish your education first. You can join after the current warmonger regime is replaced. Just don't sign up yet. That's all.
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