today it is very cold. we are enveloped in fog. it is very creepy. well, at night it is anyway. i have a long post to follow at some point about the xmas party and about other things. cannot be bothered to get my pen hd and d/l it so it will have to wait until some other time when i can be arsed and lets face it, no one is actually reading this...
Well A bit of a low week. I think a little depressed. But not. Sort of up and down. Actually not to bothered about the work xmas party this year. Actually think i'm a bit low because of work. Couldn't sleep the other night because i was thinking about stuff to do with it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
Well here i am again, not that it makes the slightest bit of difference to the spinning world. Really raining today. The girl at work went to a funeral today.