Apr 26, 2011 20:04
[Canada peers hopefully into the Guide. (No, those are not tears in his eyes. Honest.)]
There-- there really are other countries on the Sif? See- I knew that... we'd be okay... and the Earth is okay... [(No, he's not sniffing.)]
Um, I'm so glad. Really. So glad-!
!fourth wall boarding,
canada (matthew williams)
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...Um. If- if you have time, would you like to meet? One of my... friends, he's English, and found a pretty good pub. I know it's not quite the same as your home, but... if you'd like to try it?
[(AKA, he'd totally take you up on a hug.)]
Yes, there are two of them on board. Canada shares rooms with Holmes, actually.
Canada nods repeatedly. Yes, what John said.]
...Unless they bickered.]
Tell me. [He says this slowly, like he hasn't quite absorbed everything yet.] What is it like dealing with two of them?
It's never boring. It can be quite challenging though.
I'm not sure how much they've helped the crime rate. They haven't quite formed a working relationship with the police here the way they did at home. It's been frustrating for both of them.
It's a bit strange, hoping that they will get a case, because that will make them... happy? if that's the word for it, but a case means that someone is in trouble, and you don't want to wish for someone to get in trouble...
I can imagine.
I admittedly would like to see them at work, though hopefully without any lasting repercussions to innocents.
[Make that 'love'. He's absolutely dying to meet them and see them solve a mystery.]
[John looks to Canada with a question.] Did you happen to invite Sherlock or Holmes to join us?
I did, b-but I don't know if they can come. Sorry...
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