[ Fourteen hours and thirty-nine forms later -- most of which had never been completed, because he kept making mistakes and even if this was some sort of sadistic payback by Noah for reorganizing those bookmarks, he wouldn't give his captor the satisfaction of giving up or doing an inadequate job -- Kid was finally shown out of the admittance
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While you were tracking me down, I spoke to Black*Star over this thing...
[ he wants to believe that Black*Star was confused, or mistaken, any variant of wrong would do; watching Maka and silently asking for that to be the case ]
They say there's a planet where we can restore our worlds again, but it's long ways ahead. And in order to restore it, we have to pay a huge amount of credits. That's why the Captains lets us visit other planets every month to find work. For months, we questioned if a place like that even existed. Someone managed to hack into the system and found all sorts of information that it was all a scam, that there's no possible way to see our home again.
But recently, we received a message from another Captain on another ship that restoring our world is possible. People are still skeptical, but I believe in it. Besides, I was wormhole'd once before... [a pause;] ... I was sent back home, right before the explosion.
[she looks up at the ceiling of the ship.And I continued to live in Death City, it was like my time on ( ... )
[ each part is said very precisely; clipped, almost ]
I think when the world exploded, we scattered from each other and different ships picked us up.
[ slight pinch on his lower lip ]
And what happened to everyone else? These ships can't be large enough for all of them.
... I don't know. I'm hoping they're just in different ships and living similar the way we are now.
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