Feb 14, 2005 23:42
i sunt mellecent a card a daie erlee but she lykd it and told dafnee to piss off
weel sort of told her to piss off
huh huh huh
happie valantyns daie vencnt
Jan 22, 2005 11:54
yusturdaie at brekfest vencent spild millk on mellecent. I got her som mor so she cud eet her porruge and she sed thank yew greg. and then she pord it on vencent.
and he was lyk a big cooky.
huh huh huh!
Dec 15, 2004 20:38
i mad fuge to day. i dont knoe ef et is gud. but the myse likd it so mebbe it is okay. i wel hav to let vencent hav sum to see whut he thenks.
it has nuts. and razberees.
Nov 26, 2004 18:10
vencent ar wee seleng muffens too peeple? We hav to decyd on pryces.