[alarms go off in every ship, red lights flashing everywhere. all active crew Spheres project the image of a
woman, speaking in her soothing voice that's almost inappropriate for the situation at hand]
Attention all non-commissioned and field-enlisted personnel. This is DIVA with an emergency broadcast.
An anomaly within space in the nearby sector Delta 2K49 has been detected, and is moving quickly towards the fleet. Everyone is advised to calmly evacuate all docked ships and remain on the Tilriz in the event that problems should arise from said anomaly.
Repeat, everyone is advised to evacuate all docked ships.
You will be alerted of any changes and updates regularly. That said, proper conduct is still a requirement, and poor behavior will not be tolerated among the crew members.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding! As you may have noticed, this is the official reopening of gauntlet_rpg, and we are very glad to have this game up and running once again.
In light of current events, we are sad to see Rem go, but are also proud to announce that we have a new mod team who will take the reins in her departure. The mods, in alphabetical order, are as follows:
Jchan (bit_impossible); tech mod
Ren (darkraid and unmasking); plot mod
Trap (bluewhitecross and epicinity); plot mod
Tsuki (donutdiablo and forfaithful); tech mod
So basically, for any questions regarding plot, drop a line to Trap and Ren! Jchan and Tsuki won't know plot details. However! They will be the ones to go to for things like the upkeep of the mod journal, coding work, etc. However, it should be noted that applications will be processed as a collective amongst the team, not by any individual. Our contact information is all on the Taken Characters page, and feel free to send any one of us a message. Otherwise, the mod email, gauntletmods@gmail.com, is always a good way to catch our attention for any questions and/or concerns. Don't worry, we don't bite. ;)
Now, on to the plot proper!
Some of you may be thinking, "Holy hell, what is this?!" Simply put, a potentially dangerous space-time anomaly is slowly heading towards the fleet, and your characters will need to leave their respective ships and seek refuge on the Tilriz to avoid getting caught up in it, whenever it will decide to hit. Of course, you may choose to have your character stay on board their ship, but that means you consent to having your character "die". This is the mod team's way of seeing who would like to stay with us, and those who feel that they cannot continue on with the game, as their apparent death in gauntlet_rpg also means you are dropping the character. Dropped characters will not actually die, but will simply be sent home by the Gate that brought them there in the first place.
If you wish to drop, please leave a comment here stating your departure. We'll be sorry to see you go, but will respect your decision. Please keep in mind, though, that you will still be allowed to re-apply if you wish to rejoin the game, and we will definitely be glad to have you back!
For those who wish to remain and subsequently have your character evacuated, we hope you enjoy your stay! Please keep in mind the forthcoming changes in various parts of the game, but as for now, posting and tagging details will remain the same.
Additionally, if you are worried that the strange atmosphere within the Tilriz will harm your character, do not fear! There is a hotel for visitors that is equipped with air filters to keep the green smoke outside. This means the hotel is a safe haven for all of you who are waiting for a new broadcast from DIVA regarding the status of the so-called anomaly. Of course, if you so wish, your character may still venture outside to enjoy the local air, keeping in mind the effects as stated in the last mod post.
Speaking of, when will the anomaly come, and just what exactly will happen when it hits? Just wait to find out. ;D
This plot is being used by the new mod team as a springboard for future endeavors, and also acts as the re-opening of the game, taking from where we have left off. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please leave them here!