Right, I'm trusting you lot have gathered in the docking bays by now, so listen up! There is a green dial in the upper left-hand portion of the combat machine's console. Turn it so the little arrow is pointing at you instead of away and you'll have yourself a nice and shiny laser knife instead of a laser blaster.
Be sure you don't cut each other up, eh? And try not to scratch the ships up or the Admiral will take away our allowances until we've paid for the damages.
All other crew, find anything you can to strap down all large and loose items. Last thing we want is for half the ship to shift across the floor when the whale blows and cause everything to block the doorways.
[salutes the Sphere] I'll check on your progress soon. Good luck!
[ooc: Please feel free to use this play out your cutting free efforts! Go ahead and threadhop or start your own threads to play with partners, what have you. If anyone needs to speak to the commander, let me know in the subject line of a comment and I'll reply with him, otherwise, this is your playing field! Have fun! :)]
EDIT: The last part of the plot can be played out starting