Mar 26, 2007 20:19
I'd forgotten how much energy you can pack into a one-year-old. My gorgeous grand-daughter wore me out in an hour.
energy child
Mar 26, 2007 10:37
- The destruction of Pompeii in 79AD is the most viewed video at YouTube. The first comment is..."OMG so cool! Volcanos ROCK!"
- Attila the Hun has his own MySpace page. Nobody ever rejects his "invite a friend" emails.
- The soothsayer's "Ides of March" email fails to get Caesar's proper attention as it's inadvertently filtered into his junk folder
( Read more... )
Mar 24, 2007 18:55
I have found not 1, but 2 Sirius Cybernetics Corporations. One in Adelaide, and the other in Washington state.
What is this world coming to? Explains a lot, though.
Mar 15, 2007 23:07
I still get confused when people talk of "The turn of the Century". I think of 1900, not 2000.
Jan 11, 2007 21:13
The trouble with losing my mind, Is I've forgotten how much I originally had
Jan 11, 2007 21:12
Well, we've moved house.
ADSL2 to dialup was a shock. The light on the modem has just come on. YAY! At 512k, it's 40 times slower than I had last week, but 10 times what I had this morning.
Jan 03, 2007 22:40
We're on the move.
Pick up the keys tomorrow and move in Friday. I'll be glad when it's all over.
Met the owners of this place the other day. Nice couple. The agent is going to be REALLY annoyed that we got together to compare notes. Looks like she's be telling fibs to both ends.
Dec 25, 2006 23:15
Another Christmas has come and gone. Nice to see the boys (and girls)
Quinn's first Christmas. She got most of the loot, but was just as happy playing with the paper.
Dec 16, 2006 22:38
Hate house hunting. Saw one in Moeley which looked ok, but the agent is in Armidale.
Dec 14, 2006 23:07
Looking at rental properties this aftern Depressing. They were either falling down, ro the rents were aoutlandish