Hell mutha fucking YAH!!! I'm on the back cover of March's Tattoo magazine!!! It's an add for H2Ocean that Carl and I shot a while back. The picture is rad and even though my back isn't finished the picture is perfect
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We are throwing a birthday party for Yoshi on Saturday... if any of you want to join the fun it'll be at my place from 9pm-6am. YAY PARTY
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I don't want to be at work and my eyes wont stop crying. I just found out that my friend Nate Hudson died from heart failure late last night at his home. Nate was a great artist and friend. I don't know what I am going to do about my back piece that he started... it wont be the same.... Rest in peace Nate.
PARTY! My party is going to be so fucking bad ass!!! 1 keg... 3 bottels of red rum... vodka... makers mark... and much much more... I even got some photographers to show! So we'll have some great pics that I can share with you all.