Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture.
So, now I've been awake for 28 hours, working on this piece of Manga crap. You can have a look at the super crappy cover and a sample page ( here (with swear words). )
The boring stuff (i.e. my life): I have to move away from Berlin to a city close to Frankfurt because finally, finally I have been accepted into art school (or something like that). I'll study communications design.
The guy who was doing my English translation isn't doing them anymore. I'm not confident about posting my diary in a bad translation by me, so I won't post that anymore. But this was written in English, because we don't have this wonderful "saying" in German. Enjoy.
In a few weeks there's Comicsalon Erlangen, a huge Comic convention. Some of my stuff will be exhibited there. Mainly the pages I did for this anthology, but also sketches I did in preparation and maybe photographs. Together with other artists' pages for the book
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