Eyes are the window to the soul but when someone closes their eyes they haven't drawn the drapes, they've give you a road map of every face they've made. You can see where crows' feet have stepped, you can see laughing the lips, furrow in the brow, we all die now, you can only hope to see more smile lines than pain.
Over twelve years in dating, I've gotten into relationships and found myself with girls/women who needed to be saved from themselves or their pasts. I can relate, but I learn the hard way and am finally realizing that I need to meet someone who is already happy without me. I can't save anybody.
endless nights of hours end restless sleeplessness, followed by sleep in inappropriate or awkward places. i sleep better at heavy metal concerts, in moving vehicles, social gatherings on 3rd dates at downtown bars, after emotional guilt-stricken breakdowns, than in my own bed.