>.> You can blame thekayla . She made me think of an idea just to out-think-up-ideas her. xD
Title: Drinking Buddies Pairing: Patchwork/Ted Strayer (the drunk from Underworld/Druggie-with-a-key from Rivet City) Rating: PG13 Summary: Patches likes having a drinking buddy again.
Title: Ahzrukhal's Inclinations Author: thekayla Character/Pairing: Ahzrukhal, Charon; Ahzrukhal/Charon Rating: PG Word Count: 174 Author's Notes: cyprith asked for this. Then she got offline. So I'm posting it so she can see it when she decides to get back online. Hope you all enjoy it as well, though.
I broke up my last post so that this one doesn't have to be member-locked. :3 AREN'T YOU ALL PLEASED? A few of these are making their LJ debut right now, so I will actually be posting something NEW now, haha.
Title: Two Ghouls, One Bath Characters/Pairing: Charon, Gob; Charon/Gob Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 788 Summary: The Vaultie has a gift for her two favorite Ghouls. Author's Notes: Also on ghoulification. Reposted here because there need to be more posts here. :O
Title: A True Romantic Pairing: Murphy/Barrett Rating: One kiss, some groping and a lot of cussing Summary: Barrett's not a goddamned romantic... except when it comes to Murphy.