MJ! It was a mix of good time and GREAT time for me. I loved the new hotel, which was super classy but staffed by people who seemed both greatly competent AND friendly. I adore the con comm and my fellow volunteers and I only once stole a volunteer button, although I did multiple times stuff the suggestions box with drawings of Mark Hamill's penis
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Comments 24
You CAPTURED it perfectly there. Yay, MJ! :D
Me too, this year! Which is awesome. It's amazing how much of a difference that makes in my con experience overall.
The Home vid from the vidshow is a brilliant piece of pimpworthy fanwork and I was very pleased to offer my obsessively enthusiastic yes it's good to everyone who asked, and many who didn't. :D
YES. ♥ I adore bironic for making it for me for Festivids this year! along with two other totally adorable Big Eden vidlets, omg.
There's something truly special about sitting in a room with people who are this mix of bright and quick with a joke and deeply thoughtful and silly and earnest, and just talking out all these ideas about canon/fanon/fandom--it's brilliant.
Yes to this, x a billion! This is what I love about fan cons.
Yes, I have to go send bironic a love letter about that vid. It was made for rolling around and wallowing in, my two favorite things! *grins*
<3<3<3 to all the fangirls and all their talking and opinions--I am reminded by every con how fangirls are just my favorites. :D
I will never forget sitting down at Bitchin' Party and popping in Big Eden for some fen who hadn't seen it. o_O bweee!! it did not hurt that they were a bunch of dS fans; they all fell over when they recognized Eric Schweig.
You will love Elementary, I think. Lucy Liu gets to be utterly brilliant, no lie. It just keeps getting better and better, TMOT.
Although, yeah, I trust we will have our own Sherlock someday. :)
Bitchin Party is somehow both on my list of Things I'd Like to Do, and always under my radar. Sounds like a blast! And yay for being able to introduce a roomful of people to the sweetness that is Big Eden. <3<3<3<3<3333333
That's the thing which reassures me about Elementary--everyone was like, no, they do not make her passive and a mom or whatever else you'd feared--it's badass Watson played by badass Lucy Liu. I could be in for that!
Someday, someday, someone will say, you know what would rock is an amazing lady Sherlock, who is as difficult and brilliant as every other Sherlock, and I will be ALL. OVER. IT. Sigh. Someday!
I see the gifs on tumblr and sigh over her bold, fashionable attractiveness. Lucy Liu, how such an utterly lovely human? *_____________*
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