I'm looking for a basic beginners tutorial..and I mean I know nothing about Gimp!I just downloaded Gimp and I have no idea what to do.Thank you very much for your time.HELP!
I started learning how to use GIMP by abusing screenshots, if I have to be honest. |D I still have some old files from when I played with the various filters and tools to learn what everything did so I could make interesting icons (and I can say I've definitely improved over the last two years - even if the improvement is far from steady due to not cracking it open as often as I could, lol x3).
After I saw what various things did, I started exploring tutorials on how to make certain effects to learn just how much I could do with GIMP. I also experimented with these tutorials to make the techniques my own. *nod*
Comments 5
This is a link to the GIMP manual so you can read some basic informations.
i found that tutorial very helpful, though it's made for PS, mostly everything is relatively the same.
After I saw what various things did, I started exploring tutorials on how to make certain effects to learn just how much I could do with GIMP. I also experimented with these tutorials to make the techniques my own. *nod*
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