Grab bag: collab edition

Apr 07, 2007 14:38

My friend Tomoko was hanging out with this guy who was apparently trying to make moves on her, which she deflected with her usual style. To get back at him, she stole this board and a bunch of his expensive Japanese paint markers and went to town. :) Now that's enterprising ( Read more... )

photos, art, friends, drawings

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Comments 25

karmicintent April 8 2007, 02:37:35 UTC
Lily!TomokoArt will one day conquer the WORLD! That popcorn is insanely adorable ( ... )


dad_o_matic April 8 2007, 14:49:04 UTC
" . . .the antique Laughing Buddhas made out of whole trees and tree roots"- did you take any pictures of these?

The NY Times today had a story about durians, the worst smelling fruit in the world ("like a bag of dead cats") and they mentioned Malaysia so naturally I was wondering if you had any experiencde with durians? Some botanist has developed a nearly odorless one.


karmicintent April 9 2007, 01:45:01 UTC
Unfortunately I didn't have a camera with me but this weekend we are having a function up there so I'll try to get some decent photos for you! The guy who owns the pieces is this 6 foot 4 Chinese man who resembles Gandalf and seems to be from another dimension. Beard and all.

Oh I totally LOVE Durian!! It is the KING of fruits. And no, it does not smell like a bag of dead cats, more like rotting waste. Mmm Rotting Waste. However, they taste glorious and I am not averse to the smell anymore. For Raw eaters like me, they are very nutritious food, full of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and essential minerals. I think an odourless one would be so much less fun. We like torturing our tourists with the whole Durian Experience.



gingerhaole April 9 2007, 02:31:06 UTC
I reread Bourdain's The Nasty Bits and lingered on the chapter entitled "Woody Harrelson: Culinary Muse" and thought fondly of our raw/omnivore argument. ;)


modernhippy April 8 2007, 03:40:10 UTC
Holy art overload, Batwoman!

That collaboration between you and Tomoko is totally stunning. Your styles mesh really well together! And Tomoko is really talented, from the look of it! I love that piece that she gave to you! I'm a big fan of the scribbly type stuff, so it seems as though she'd be right down my alley. Does she have a website or anywhere that I could check out her other stuff?

And I'm absolutely head over heels for the piece you're working on for Jen. It's breathtaking. :) I'm a huge fan of your drips, but I'm not sure that it would work in this case.

Aaaand, making nests are so fun. I started making pendants and nest earrings last month, and I just can't seem to stop. I think my favourite that I've done is a pair of silver wired nest earrings with one swarovski crystal each of pink and black embedded in the middle. Soooo fun! That bracelet is gorgeous, too! :D

Gosh, Lily. You've been mad busy with the art stuff! Fabulous, as always!! Much love!


ginger_root April 8 2007, 03:59:39 UTC
holy SHIT! that's bitchin' baby!


jessicamariek April 8 2007, 04:41:29 UTC
Oooh, prettiness overload. Mmm, chicken soup.

I am so jealous of you for teh warm. My fingers are stiff. It makes typing rather difficult.

*lobs snowball at you* Muah. Love ya.


warmsound April 8 2007, 06:00:52 UTC
Oh, I love this. Your work and Tomoko's. I love all the colors and all the various parts of the mural.

I was upstairs at my parents' place when I first saw this entry earlier tonight, and my mom and I were looking at it together. When we got to the necklace, our reaction was a simultaneous gasping of, "Oh wow!" Seriously Lily, it's so beautiful - it and the bracelet. The blue beads in the necklace and the beads you used for the bracelet are both such pretty colors.

That is awesome about the girl getting the tattoo of your octopus drawing. And I'm glad that cold went away as quickly as it came!

Brent Spiner = love. Hahaha. :D

I hope you're well, lady. Love you!


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