Well, it's beeen almost one month and 8 months since I've updated this thing. And right now I'm rather drunk and sad cuz my poor little has had a rough night
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Thank goodness I survived this week. It was, to put it mildly, completely and utterly annoying and harder than anything I've ever experienced academically before. Staying focused on studies is so much more difficult at college as well because there's so much freedom to make your own decisions. *sigh* I found out that I did decently on my chem
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It's been a long time since I've posted, so since I don't seem to be accomplishing much on my chem homework anyhow, I decided ramble on for a bit here. So, last time I left off at being excited for Thanksgiving break and seeing old friends. I think that's where I'll pick up
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Thank goodness that the past intensely insane week is over. A week ago at this time I had only just begun my studying spree for my physics and chemistry exams. I have never studied so hard for a test in my life and my brain felt just about ready to explode. Thankfully when Thursday morning rolled around, I knew what I was doing for my exams and
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Oh my goodness - there is SOOO much going on this week. Even me taking the time to write this is stealing away from precious study time, but I need to clear my mind a bit first
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Argh. Studying for exams has to be one of the worst things about college - ok well that and taking them. Can you guess what I'm taking a very short break from? Yup - reviewing everything for tomorrow morning's calc exam at 9 am. *gulp* I actually understand the material, I just hope that she doesn't try to trick us or I don't lose my mind when
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It's about time that I had a more uplifting entry in this here journal. Although for those of you not on my LiveJournal friends list, this is the first entry you will read. So welcome! I hope you enjoy (or at least learn about me) from what you read
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