Sep 30, 2030 22:48
"I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me." -Dave Barry
Sep 29, 2030 13:01
This is basically a friends-only journal. My Twitter is syndicated publicly and every once in awhile I'll post something that everyone can see. 90% of the entries are friends-only however. Just a heads up.
Apr 01, 2009 21:08
- 11:41 I'm pretty sure that I'm going to lose at least 5 pounds this quarter solely because I have a class in Fisheries. Ugh. #
- 11:41 PS: this rain can suck it. #
- 13:13 @ craftyasparagus that article that you posted is still super problematic too. Check out my comments on Facebook about it. #
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Mar 31, 2009 21:09
- 22:05 From the other side of the door: Hillary on the ukulele and Andy singing Ring of Fire. Wow. That FTW. #
- 10:38 Caught: handful of geeky guys oggling a gorgeous blonde walking by their physics class. Haha #
- 10:39 Oh man. Awkward encounters of the third kind in my planetarium class. Ugghhh. #
- 13:17 Productivity at work. Hellz yea. I work best
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Mar 28, 2009 21:08
- 22:15 Dollhouse is amazing. It's totally catapulted itself into greatness. AND the Whedon humor is ever emerging. #
- 16:04 Over 100 dollars in parking tickets in the last 2 weeks. Fuuuuuuck #
- 17:01 Bloggity blog blog. I have a new one. Check it out @ #
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Mar 27, 2009 21:10
- 12:19 Whoa... Just found a pair of jeans at a thrift store that fit & look great... and they're skinny jeans! Crazy. #
- 13:10 @ joeshoop, : current location #
- 17:22 Breakfast for dinner? I'm thinking some KILLER french toast. Eh? Eh? Yes. #
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Mar 26, 2009 21:09
- 12:10 Shopping for jeans is like getting dumped over and over. Umph. #
- 17:17 Tonight's plans: dinner around the Center & Betrayal @ the Rep #
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Mar 25, 2009 21:08
- 21:40 Chewy brownies with homemade dark chocolate coffee ganache? I'm so delightfully domestic. #
- 08:04 @ craftyasparagus Nylon magazine, pg 88. The first quarter of the article has some quotes I think you'd like ((re: AwAe)) #
- 09:34 What's with Seattle not opening until 10am? I've been up since 7, ready to run errands. #
- 09:37 @ craftyasparagus
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