I'm in South Korea now; I got here last night. I'm in the orientation process, so it's still Korea-in-a-box, but so far so good. There are a bunch of people here who've taught English before in Korea and are on there 2nd year+ and they've all had a great experience. So happy about it, but the jet lag is re-kicking in.
it's not cool when almost every single commercial during a movie about domestic violence features women in their traditional heterosexual gender roles - cooking, cleaning, being dependent on their husband's income completely
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Hey beautiful people - I still need 3 more people to respond to this Survey for my race & ethnicity class! PUH-LEEAAZZE! I want to get this done as soon as possible so I can write the paper & have one last thing to do! It will only take about 10 minutes or so. AND THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS! So don't worry about that either
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I'm doing a paper for my sociology of race & ethnic relations class & i need to administer a survey that I created to at least 10 people. I have a few people in mind, but I'd love it if anyone on here can help me
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"It's believed that the aliens first visited the earth at the very beginning of human history and mated with our ancestors. How else can we explain people who say things like I don't need to take drugs to have a good time?"