Title: Best Served Cold Author: ginzai Genre: Gen, fluff Characters: Sam, Dean Spoilers: None past early S1 Word Count: ~2450 Summary: Sam gets sweet, sweet revenge.
Aww! This story had me flashing back to Hell House and the famous prank war, but I love the way you have Sammy scheming and playing up the innocent (and sick) little brother routine. Dean actually ate totu - poor boy is scarred for life now. LOL.
I adored the prank war; it was one of the highlights of season one. I've the feeling that Sam could be pretty sneaky when he wanted to be - and that he had a pretty good teacher for it. Thanks for commenting!
Also, just the right touch of sad with lines like these: Sam's life has become a measure of taking what he can get, in this no more than in other areas. He's fine with carrots.
Dean was a sucker for the stuff and if Sam hadn't had the homemade variety in years, he couldn't even imagine how long it had been since Dean had last had the chance.
Aw, thank you! And I don't think I can do fluff straight up without a single brush of angst to go with. It's like adding salt to an apple pie; it brings out the flavors better. Plus, the Winchesters' lives being what they are, I imagine a great many of their lightest moments are still rather bittersweet.
LOL! I've had tofu pudding before and it was really quite tasty - but I knew what I was getting into before I sampled it. Dean's right to be peeved. :D
Comments 59
Thanks for the awesome read! :)
Also, just the right touch of sad with lines like these:
Sam's life has become a measure of taking what he can get, in this no more than in other areas. He's fine with carrots.
Dean was a sucker for the stuff and if Sam hadn't had the homemade variety in years, he couldn't even imagine how long it had been since Dean had last had the chance.
Nicely done!
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