Title: Best Served Cold Author: ginzai Genre: Gen, fluff Characters: Sam, Dean Spoilers: None past early S1 Word Count: ~2450 Summary: Sam gets sweet, sweet revenge.
Love it! I was wondering what he'd put in the pudding. Never thought about tofu. Great plotting by Sam. Perfect voices for the guys. Thanks for the giggles!
Aw, thanks! Tofu can be sneaky like that; it's ridiculously healthy for you, but when snuck into pudding, you can't taste it at all. Dean didn't stand a chance. *g*
*laughs* That makes me wonder if there are other stories out there where Dean eats tofu. (Though, come to think of it, didn't he try to order it in 4x18? Silly man - black bean burgers are MUCH tastier when going for the veggie option!) And thanks!
I was so surprised by the crack_impala thing that I squeaked out loud, no lie. I can't take credit for the concept though; I think I told you about this one a while back when an anon prompt requested that Dean somehow be made to eat tofu. The pudding and scheming Sam though were all mine. *g*
Heh. Let's just hope the roll continues! I've got one fic not on LJ that's completely done, another at 80%, another at 90%, and then snips and bits of a good dozen others. If I can polish up the one and then finish the other two, I'll be well pleased.
I've had tofu pudding before and thought it was pretty tasty, but I knew what I was getting into ahead of time. Dean's got a right to be traumatized. *g* Thanks for commenting!
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Heh. Let's just hope the roll continues! I've got one fic not on LJ that's completely done, another at 80%, another at 90%, and then snips and bits of a good dozen others. If I can polish up the one and then finish the other two, I'll be well pleased.
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