Title: A Niggle In His Tranquility Author: girldevil Pairing: yoosu/junchun Genre: fluff Rating: pg Length: one shot Summary: Yoochun finds peace in an odd place, a busy cafe where none can bother him until someone unintentionally did.
Junsu is so fun here.I wanna be Yoochun./gets bricked/ I love his straightforwardness and aggressiveness.. finally, I had a good YOOSU/err..Junchun read today.thanks for sharing^^
Comments 37
i love how su is the aggressive one.
and because of this i'm craving for coffee even though i don't drink coffee! :P
you're so weird, how can you crave for something you don't even take!?
thanks for reading and commenting! ^.^
“that means we can date?”
*gasp* //insert yoosu fangirl squeals here//
YES! u made it! this can seriously be yoosu AND junchun!!!! \O/
Yay! So I was right, it can go both ways!
Glad you like it babe!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting =)
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Yes, Junsu being straightforward is something different XD
Thank YOU for reading and commenting! ^.^
Really liked it, hope you write more when you get the chance ^^
Glad you like it! I do find it endearing too ^.^
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment ^.^
I love his straightforwardness and aggressiveness..
finally, I had a good YOOSU/err..Junchun read today.thanks for sharing^^
Yeah, have to admit that it is rare to see an aggressive and straightforward Junsu, especially in stories.
Thanks so much for reading as always! ^.^
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