FYI, because I know you've all been wondering, I *am* alive and well.
Actually, I'm a lot better than "well". I'm happier than I've been in longer than I can remember, and I'm having the time of my life. I've never done anything so fun before.
I slept on my left arm funny last night, and it's quite sore today. But this has me giggling all day. Why? It doesn't hurt if I hold it up just right. So basically I look like a result from some weird meme/quiz... I AM Colin Mochrie's Velociraptor Impersonation!I'd put in a picture, but... you know
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Yes, you really have to see this to believe it. Now, it's not the pix that bother me--I'm all for invertebrate sex. I spend two years of my life watching invertebrates have sex and then wrote a collossal paper on it, and I really had rather a lot of fun doing it. But I would never, ever have described it as beautiful. And this guy--It is a
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This? This is why I want to slap every person who says, "I love New York!"
Yes, I know they're really only talking about the city, but still. Major difference between NYC and NYS? NYS smells like cowshit, NYC smells like hobo pee.
My apartment is in what can only be described as a state of complete and total disarray. That's ok. It makes me feel better about my life, which might, with much work and improvement, someday aspire to reach a state of disarray. Going to Target. Or Walmart. Eh.
Being absolved of responsibility always leads to me turning into this wretched wreck of a person, staying up until all hours and piling dishes in the sink, getting up at noon and dressed at four. I'm a bad person when I have no structure in my life. Being up at 2:30 in the morning leaves a weird feeling in my head, like I should be drinking coffee
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Well, here I am in 2004. I haven't been writing much in this journal lately, and I'd apologize, but, it's my journal, and if you don't like it, tough noogies
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