well i haven't used this jouranl in a long time. i guess i will use it to keep certain items fresh in mind. i suppose... or my theories. but who knows what it so come of this ... random thouaghts of people with no names... we will see.
wow, i haven't updated this since jon left. lol. and for all you people who are confussed, i have a new LJ that i have had since the summer, frozentowinter . so there ya go... lol. silly me.
so far i've been holding ok. i miss jon a bit, but i've realized that i'll be ok. i can only imagine what he is going through at boot camp. sigh. i took mom out and about and got some good shots for photo. "spoon and tooth paste"..lol. i also went to Barnes and Noble and bouaght three books. i can't wait to read them. "i'm such a book worm"...lol.
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please come back home, i really miss you already. kevin and i cried when you got in the van. all i could do is shove my face into his shirt and cry. i couldn't go to handels to see jen to get icecream. drove there, but i couldn't get out of the car. i miss you so bad. three months is so long. so mom got the ice cream for me. she was crying too. i
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all this makes me sad. i am gonna go to bed and cry myself to sleep. i can't take what is going to happen in the next few days, then deal with it for the next few months. i can't hold it anymore. i am not exploding. sigh.
these simple joys like sunshine. is it not wonderful? i ran 3 miles with mom after school. i could tell that she wanted some company. she was running slow for me, but it know she appreaciated it. wow. i really can't spell
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life has gotten better now. jon and i had this loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnng talk yesterday. it was good. then we went out to dinner with dad and marg @ the blue wolf. everything tasted wonderful. then jon and i went to JoAnn fabrics. i am going to make him a quit while he is gone. i am going to miss. this sucks...ugh. today at school was ok. turned
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SOCCER IS FINALLY OVER!!! and now i have tons of free time. band is pretty much ending saturday. i am so happy now. mom and jon surprized me at the soccer game at niles. "sorry guys. i guess i should of kicked the reff is the face..lol" then we rent some movies. " i am so happy that my bussy life is coming to an end and winter is bringing me
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