"You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't -- I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it." -- Sam Winchester, Supernatural 08x14 - "Trial and Error"[adf] (is it just me or this week's episode is full of wincest hints? *w* << lele as a happy fangirl being)
Hari pertama lepas dari alas dan berada di tengah peradaban :') - walau sebenarnya cuma break beberapa hari sebelum balik ngalas lagi; di tempat yang lebih terpencil dari sebelumnya ;w
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Just recently watched The Imposter, that badass of a documentary - and got attached to this song. Don't know but i's make my muse kinda.... dancing? Spinning? Kicking? Maybe even'll get something to write down soon, hopefully. Preferably those post-apocalyptic western draft that been nagging forever... . Cat Stevens - The Wind
Satu getar kuat melalui tulang belakang. Satu sibak rasa dingin menyambar melalui kedua lengan. Dan sensasi elektrostatis aneh di permukaan kulit yang selalu bisa membuat kuduk berdiri
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Karena saya tak bisa berhenti mendengarkan lagu ini orz Anw, my japanese and english grammar still sucks like usual, so feel free to correct romaji and kanji (c) animelyrics.com - english by me
Strange how muse to write an open air, road, plain, and maybe one or two cowboys suddenly take a turn into sc-fi things. Huh. Maybe because I muse too much about a post-apocalyptic western. Gotta write down that in near future. It's a bit feel like J2-ish. . . .( A Homo sapiens, not Homo sapiens sapiens like him or everybody else )
shadowless [nomore] The coffee was especially perfect that night, he decided. Thick and black pooled inside a contrasting stark white porcelain mug-the only one of his possession that still kind of looking good for use. The right amount of sugar and the bitter aftertaste, reminded him of a long night in the middle of nowhere after a full-day journey.
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