1. Do you have any evil friends? :D And you do evil things together? 2. What would you do if you were LOLed into the opposite gender?! :D 3. What genre do you find the most annoying! 4. Don't you kinda think the Dark Chip is a drug for Navis? 5. Do you hope for love in your future? 6. Favorite LJ icon! 7. Don't you find the kiss CEnzan gave you hot like woah and better than porn? 8. Are you ever going to get back at CEnzan for the hot like woah and better than porn kiss?
1. Yes, the evil Enzan and his Dark Blues. And, uh, not really. 2. I have no idea. 3. Pop. Too perky. 4. Yeah. Isn't stopping me, though. It's as addictive as meth. 5. Love is for weaklings. 6. This one. 7. *sputters* What?! NO! 8. If I ever get him somewhere without an AV field, I will.
1. Sit and do nothing? That's not very evil~ 2. Well since the idea doesn't scare you... 4. METH TOOK AWAY MY FAVORITE MEDICINE! /random 5. You sound like a very old character of mine... 6. It is a good one, I must say 7. You know it is. 8. Ouch~
1. Well, we did try to turn my Enzan evil once, but that fell through and I haven't really seen them since. 2. I have next-to-no sex drive ICly. :\ 4. ......Riiiight. 5. And who might that be? 6. It's perfect for me. 7. No, no it's not. 8. He'll be too busy screaming to say 'ouch'. >]
1. Do you think Omega X is a friend in any way? 2. Dark Blues. Any of them. Yes or no and which? 3. What instrument do you think suits you best? 4. If you could feel the effects, which drug would you want to take? 5. What's your opinion on love in general? 6. What do you want to do to the LJ server? 7. Do you liiiike it? 8. Do you see yourself living a fair bit longer?
1. Hell. No. 2. The good one, just cause it would piss my other half off so much to know I got hold of him again in my own body. >3 3. Bass guitar, I guess. 4. Salvia divinorum, baby~. 5. It's useless. 6. Take it over and make it my own! :] 7. If I could ever get access to some, I'm sure I would. 8. Oh yes. My mun has become attached to me.
2. This Dark Blues approves of that reasoning very much. 4. That is a kickass drug. 6. It'd totally speed up under Reploid control. 7. This Dark Blues and Enzan have a fair stash There is no 7. 8. Excellent~
2. I'm evil for a reason~. 4. It sure sounds like. 6. Ha! XD 7. Shaaare? :D There never is. 8. I even get my way more than the other pups! :D Though, uh, I hardly ever get out.
1. Do you find it hard to make friends after what you have been through? 2. Fun? 3. What genre would drive you up the wall? 4. What kind of wine would you drink? 5. Is it real with Dark Blues? 6. Satisfied with your icons? 7. Watch it, look at it, or read it? 8. Would you spaz meeting your kids?
1. Sort of. Trust isn't as easy, but I'm healing, a little bit at a time. 2. Um. *blushes* Very. 3. Rap. 4. Red wine. 5. Yes. ♥ 6. Most of them. At least my mun spends the time recoloring all the pictures for me. 7. None. D: 8. Yes. :\
1. Ever see yourself being friends with Blues? 2. Girl or boy or both~? 3. Favorite song? 4. Could you let go of Dark Chips if given a better option? 5. What would you say if I told you my Enzan loved you, not for Blues, but for you? 6. Do you use <3 in your journal? 7. Like it? Hate it? Wish you had Enzan porn? 8. Would you change if it meant you could be free?
1. Only if he'd shut up and quit interfering. 2. Um. 3. Stupify by Disturbed. 4. Depends on what this better option is. 5. ..... 6. No. 7. Porn looses its appeal when you have no sex drive. Ew god, no. 8. Depends on how drastically I would have to change.
2. I'M NOT ANSWERING THAT. 4/8. I...would like that, actually. 5. >.< I'd be speechless, okay?! And probably end up fleeing until I figured out what the hell I felt!
1. Dark Rock: Who do you consider a friend other than Netto? 2. Father Abel: I'm sure your celibate, being a priest. Did you ever do anything before going into the ministry, though? 3. Saloma: I know what my Saloma likes listening to. What do you like? (Other than "Install My Heart", that is.) 4. Netto: What are your general thoughts on drugs? 5. Siren: Love. Are you capable of it? 6. Rockchan: Do you ever hop through Livejournals while on the internet? 7. Netto: Ever seen it? 8. Enzan-kun: What would you most like to accomplish in the future?
1. Dark Rock: Well, Saito is my friend. 2. Abel: *sputters and blushes* No! 3. Saloma: I'm rather partial to classical. 4. Netto: They're bad. D: 5. Siren: Yes, but I choose not to let myself get attached like that. 6. Rockchan: No, they don't exist in my world. :o 7. Netto: No! D: 8. Enzan-kun: I don't know.
1. Not really. Or at least, not enough to really count anyone as friends. 2. *just keeps blushing* :[ How mean, miss. 4/7. *meeps and blushes* 6. *giggles* There can't be that much emo! 8. It'd be nice if there wasn't so much responsibility on me in the first place. .__.
Comments 98
1. Do you have any evil friends? :D And you do evil things together?
2. What would you do if you were LOLed into the opposite gender?! :D
3. What genre do you find the most annoying!
4. Don't you kinda think the Dark Chip is a drug for Navis?
5. Do you hope for love in your future?
6. Favorite LJ icon!
7. Don't you find the kiss CEnzan gave you hot like woah and better than porn?
8. Are you ever going to get back at CEnzan for the hot like woah and better than porn kiss?
2. I have no idea.
3. Pop. Too perky.
4. Yeah. Isn't stopping me, though. It's as addictive as meth.
5. Love is for weaklings.
6. This one.
7. *sputters* What?! NO!
8. If I ever get him somewhere without an AV field, I will.
2. Well since the idea doesn't scare you...
5. You sound like a very old character of mine...
6. It is a good one, I must say
7. You know it is.
8. Ouch~
2. I have next-to-no sex drive ICly. :\
4. ......Riiiight.
5. And who might that be?
6. It's perfect for me.
7. No, no it's not.
8. He'll be too busy screaming to say 'ouch'. >]
1. Do you think Omega X is a friend in any way?
2. Dark Blues. Any of them. Yes or no and which?
3. What instrument do you think suits you best?
4. If you could feel the effects, which drug would you want to take?
5. What's your opinion on love in general?
6. What do you want to do to the LJ server?
7. Do you liiiike it?
8. Do you see yourself living a fair bit longer?
1. Hell. No.
2. The good one, just cause it would piss my other half off so much to know I got hold of him again in my own body. >3
3. Bass guitar, I guess.
4. Salvia divinorum, baby~.
5. It's useless.
6. Take it over and make it my own! :]
7. If I could ever get access to some, I'm sure I would.
8. Oh yes. My mun has become attached to me.
4. That is a kickass drug.
6. It'd totally speed up under Reploid control.
7. This Dark Blues and Enzan have a fair stash There is no 7.
8. Excellent~
4. It sure sounds like.
6. Ha! XD
7. Shaaare? :D There never is.
8. I even get my way more than the other pups! :D Though, uh, I hardly ever get out.
1. Do you find it hard to make friends after what you have been through?
2. Fun?
3. What genre would drive you up the wall?
4. What kind of wine would you drink?
5. Is it real with Dark Blues?
6. Satisfied with your icons?
7. Watch it, look at it, or read it?
8. Would you spaz meeting your kids?
2. Um. *blushes* Very.
3. Rap.
4. Red wine.
5. Yes. ♥
6. Most of them. At least my mun spends the time recoloring all the pictures for me.
7. None. D:
8. Yes. :\
6. Your icons are pretty. I totally wish I could PhotoShop-color well.
7. Want to?
8. Hee.
6. My mun has a tablet and a lot of time on her hands to experiment. :)
7. No. D:
1. Ever see yourself being friends with Blues?
2. Girl or boy or both~?
3. Favorite song?
4. Could you let go of Dark Chips if given a better option?
5. What would you say if I told you my Enzan loved you, not for Blues, but for you?
6. Do you use <3 in your journal?
7. Like it? Hate it? Wish you had Enzan porn?
8. Would you change if it meant you could be free?
2. Um.
3. Stupify by Disturbed.
4. Depends on what this better option is.
5. .....
6. No.
7. Porn looses its appeal when you have no sex drive. Ew god, no.
8. Depends on how drastically I would have to change.
4. Your own navi body. Your own design, your own making.
8. See 4~
4/8. I...would like that, actually.
5. >.< I'd be speechless, okay?! And probably end up fleeing until I figured out what the hell I felt!
2. Father Abel: I'm sure your celibate, being a priest. Did you ever do anything before going into the ministry, though?
3. Saloma: I know what my Saloma likes listening to. What do you like? (Other than "Install My Heart", that is.)
4. Netto: What are your general thoughts on drugs?
5. Siren: Love. Are you capable of it?
6. Rockchan: Do you ever hop through Livejournals while on the internet?
7. Netto: Ever seen it?
8. Enzan-kun: What would you most like to accomplish in the future?
1. Dark Rock: Well, Saito is my friend.
2. Abel: *sputters and blushes* No!
3. Saloma: I'm rather partial to classical.
4. Netto: They're bad. D:
5. Siren: Yes, but I choose not to let myself get attached like that.
6. Rockchan: No, they don't exist in my world. :o
7. Netto: No! D:
8. Enzan-kun: I don't know.
2. Hee~ It's fun when they sputter.
3. Cool.
4 & 7. Aw, you're so cute~ *cuddles* Just what I expect from a Netto.
6. Probably for the best. It'd get old sifting through that much emo.
8. That's probably a good thing. You have enough expected of you as is. *pats*
2. *just keeps blushing* :[ How mean, miss.
4/7. *meeps and blushes*
6. *giggles* There can't be that much emo!
8. It'd be nice if there wasn't so much responsibility on me in the first place. .__.
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