Good news, you can now reach me on the phone now, bad news, sim card ate half my numbers! If you want me to have yours send it to me in a message please :)
I am going to be without a phone for a bit, if you need to get ahold of me either message me or call LIsa. Thanks! (And a big grr at at and t's customer service)
Since its early I don't remember if I posted on here that Fe was pregnant. So if not, well Fe is pregnant.
She went into labor on sunday. She had alot of issues with the first (and only) kitten which wasn't alive. I ended up having to assist her in taking it out. She's fine, she's almost back to her normal self, though so that's good. More later.
I found a movie that beats Zardoz for horridness. Yes, its a 'classic' from 1970, its called Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. So think post-apocalyptic with hippies and you get this movie. So yeah, horrid and bad.
So they are calling for a massive storm in the northeast for tonight into this weekend, with feet of snow, FEET of snow mind you. Yeah, there's a storm that's going to happen but in the Mid-Atlantic states. As in the map they showed it didn't even hit New York.
A Higgs-Boson walks into a church, the priest says "We don't allow Higgs-Bosons in here.". The Higgs-Boson says "But without me how can you have mass?"