Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer
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Sue, Kurt, & others? (S3x4 spoilers, violence). Sue hates the hatred her supporters are capable of.
November 2 2011, 22:25:34 UTC
Prompt: Sue Sylvester hates the hatred her campaign supporters are capable of.
*** We all know Sue Sylvester loves to play dirty, and politics is a very dirty business. However, I also truly believe she has a genuine soft spot when it comes to Kurt (aka "Porcelain") and everything he's been through.
I am desperate to see something dealing with Sue's (presumably) inevitable conflict of interest regarding some of her more outspoken and extreme campaign supporters... because I think we all know the kind of voters Sue is going to end up attracting, and I'm pretty sure they're not the kind of people that are going to be very friendly toward the openly gay son of Sue's biggest congressional opponent. Or his boyfriend, for that matter.
Her supporters' hatred could manifest itself in any number of ways... minor digs and insults, hurtful protest signs, a full-on attack, a major public spectacle... all of the above...
I'm really not going to be picky with this idea. If even one part of this prompt inspires you, please just run with it!
Re: FILL 7/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobianiniblackDecember 13 2011, 19:34:04 UTC
I just went from reading the update on the fic where Sue caused Kurt's head injury and coma to this fic where she didn't but feels like she did anyway and omg now I have so many feelings. I shouldn't read angst fic on my lunch my lunch. My coworkers are going to think I'm weirder.
Burt's anger at Sue is so perfect in this, even as he deflates right after lashing out at her. ;__;
Re: FILL 7/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobiamiggyDecember 13 2011, 21:31:52 UTC
Oh, this is such a punch to the gut! I love that you're delving into the real risks of such an attack and not just hand-waving the severity and possible suffering. Which is an odd way to say that I love this, I suppose. :)
Re: FILL 7/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobiaithicajackalDecember 14 2011, 01:35:55 UTC
I was so thrilled to see this update! This is wonderful, you are so talented. Your stories always rip at my heart, but I love them so. Also totally understandable you are busy. I hope the holiday season is treating you well though!
Re: FILL 7/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobiaalter_alteregoDecember 16 2011, 08:04:47 UTC
I may have flailed like a madwoman a bit to see this update in my inbox.
Then you got straight to the business of shredding my heart, so....
You do such a wonderful job at capturing Sue's guilt, even if she can't quite admit that's what it is. The stiff-legged walk to the bedside, the "ball of lead" in her stomach, her hesitance to look straight at Kurt.... She's so clearly off-balance and uncomfortable in this situation, fumbling --and failing-- to find solid footing.
Not only did you make Sue's remorse believable, but you made me feel Burt's grief. His sudden anger at Sue, followed immediately by resigned weariness makes me deseperate for someone to hold his hand. And that line about his son perhaps not remembering how to feed himself? Yeah, my heart's pretty thoroughly shredded over here.
FILL 8/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobiaemoryemsApril 30 2012, 09:47:58 UTC
Sue doesn't come back to see Kurt again. Burt has been there every moment he can, and when he isn't Finn, Carol, or one of the Glee club kids are, and Sue's track-suited form has been nowhere in sight
( ... )
Re: FILL 8/? Spoilers for 3.04 -- warnings: violence, language, homophobiaalter_alteregoApril 30 2012, 15:08:15 UTC
I want to gush over this at length, and tell you how the paragraph that began "Some days he's afraid that he is holding the hand of his son's body, but not his son" made me redo my mascara because it's not waterproof, and tell you that I always wondered what happened in that verse but didn't want to bother you because I knew that school was crazybusy and you had so much on your plate
and yes, I have so many FEEEELINGS
but I need to resume getting ready for the late shift at work. *Curse you, responsibility!*
We all know Sue Sylvester loves to play dirty, and politics is a very dirty business. However, I also truly believe she has a genuine soft spot when it comes to Kurt (aka "Porcelain") and everything he's been through.
I am desperate to see something dealing with Sue's (presumably) inevitable conflict of interest regarding some of her more outspoken and extreme campaign supporters... because I think we all know the kind of voters Sue is going to end up attracting, and I'm pretty sure they're not the kind of people that are going to be very friendly toward the openly gay son of Sue's biggest congressional opponent. Or his boyfriend, for that matter.
Her supporters' hatred could manifest itself in any number of ways... minor digs and insults, hurtful protest signs, a full-on attack, a major public spectacle... all of the above...
I'm really not going to be picky with this idea. If even one part of this prompt inspires you, please just run with it!
Burt's anger at Sue is so perfect in this, even as he deflates right after lashing out at her. ;__;
Also totally understandable you are busy. I hope the holiday season is treating you well though!
Then you got straight to the business of shredding my heart, so....
You do such a wonderful job at capturing Sue's guilt, even if she can't quite admit that's what it is. The stiff-legged walk to the bedside, the "ball of lead" in her stomach, her hesitance to look straight at Kurt.... She's so clearly off-balance and uncomfortable in this situation, fumbling --and failing-- to find solid footing.
Not only did you make Sue's remorse believable, but you made me feel Burt's grief. His sudden anger at Sue, followed immediately by resigned weariness makes me deseperate for someone to hold his hand. And that line about his son perhaps not remembering how to feed himself? Yeah, my heart's pretty thoroughly shredded over here.
(As always, that's my way of saying "thanks!")
You are so wonderful OP! I figured that you either didn't see the fill or got too busy :) I'm so, so freaking happy that you like it.
I really hope that everything is okay with you and your family -- that definitely comes first. ♥
I want to gush over this at length, and tell you how the paragraph that began "Some days he's afraid that he is holding the hand of his son's body, but not his son" made me redo my mascara because it's not waterproof, and tell you that I always wondered what happened in that verse but didn't want to bother you because I knew that school was crazybusy and you had so much on your plate
and yes, I have so many FEEEELINGS
but I need to resume getting ready for the late shift at work. *Curse you, responsibility!*
Seriously, hon. You made my day. :D
*cough* I mean, I love this story and I hope Kurt doesn't completely die. <3
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