Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer.
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PrologueAs a young child you don't have a concept of gender, and you have never even heard the word "identity". It doesn't really occur to you that the world is divided into male and female - boys and girls; men and women - and that there are different sets of expectations for each. You just exist. When you're old enough to talk, you call yourself a girl because it's what you're supposed to do. It's what the world tells you that you are ( ... )
Chapter 1
Today all day I had the feeling (When he's talking)
Kurt didn't know. No one did. Or rather no one besides the people that couldn't not know. There was Blaine's family obviously: His parents and Cooper; aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents. Then there was Blaine's doctors and therapist, who oversaw his treatment. All those were unavoidable. School administrations at Blaine's first high school, at Dalton and now at McKinley had also been told, which was necessary for certain allowances to be made (Blaine didn't shower with the rest of the boys after P.E. and he was excused from certain field trips). ( ... )
There were a few moments of silence in which Trent seemed to be contemplating something. 'You do realize that it was love at first sight with the two of you, right? Okay, maybe not “love” but something. Kurt knew. You, on the other hand, were a little slower on the uptake. The guys had a bet going about how long it would take you.'
'What, seriously? You bet on us?'
'Well, I didn't,' Trent corrected as though it were a matter of pride. 'Although I may have acted as referee. Jeff won, by the way. He bet it would happen by Regionals ( ... )
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